Real Estate Digital Marketing

The real estate return on investment ROI varies across geographic regions. In certain cities, investment in commercial properties generates average annual returns than commercial properties. At the same time, investors can get higher returns by investing in commercial properties instead of residential properties.

Hence, buyers analyze potential real estate investment by gathering multisource data and using multiple metrics. Most buyers gather information about residential and commercial properties using digital channels. The use of digital channels and platforms creates opportunities for real estate companies to run real estate digital marketing campaigns.

Real estate digital marketing helps real estate companies generate leads, build transparency, and boost sales in flexible and consistent ways. A real estate company can further reach out to more investors and buyers by running omnichannel digital marketing campaigns. We are discussing some of the tried and tested digital marketing strategies for real estate.

7 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Companies and Realtors

  1. Intuitive Website

Various digital marketing strategies focus on diverting potential buyers to the website of the real estate company or realtor. Buyers gather information about available properties by visiting the website of the realtor or real estate company. Also, they evaluate the company’s reputation and credibility by accessing the website content.

Hence, the website is the oil that drives real estate digital marketing campaigns. No real estate company can generate leads and boost sales if its website does not deliver optimal user experience across devices and platforms. While optimizing websites, real estate professionals need to ensure that it loads in less than 2 seconds.

Additionally, they must focus on making the website accessible on computers and mobile devices. At the same time, they must increase website traffic organically by optimizing the site by following search engine guidelines and improving content quality.

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is one of the organic real estate digital marketing strategies. Digital marketers can increase website traffic and generate leads organically by implementing on-page and off-page SEO tactics. On-page SEO tactics help them increase the website’s search engine ranking and visibility by optimizing web pages.

They can optimize a web page for search engines by optimizing the title, meta description, header, and URL while inserting internal links. At the same time, they must increase the website’s search engine ranking using off-page SEO techniques like blog posting, backlink generation, guest posting, and social media posting.

However, real estate professionals must follow Google’s quality rater guidelines – Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). The key Google ranking factor helps them boost the website’s search engine ranking in the longer run by creating people-first content.

  1. Email Marketing

In addition to generating leads, real estate companies must focus on building transparency, improving reputation, and nurturing leads. Emails help them influence the purchase decisions of potential customers by delivering relevant content in multiple formats. Also, realtors can sustain relationships with potential buyers by sending email newsletters.

Email newsletters help them engage buyers who evaluate available properties over some time before making a purchase decision. The engagement and interactions help real estate companies enhance credibility and build trust in the longer run. However, real estate professionals must engage buyers by sharing relevant information like new property listings.

  1. Social Media Promotion

Many bloggers have started describing social media as the new search engine. Many buyers prefer social media to search engines to gather relevant information engagingly and appealingly. Real estate companies can leverage social media to connect and engage with potential buyers by sharing information about properties in a variety of ways.

However, a real estate company or realtor must have a presence on multiple social networking platforms, including Facebook and LinkedIn. Likewise, they must engage the potential buyers by sharing valuable information about properties regularly. At the same time, the social media strategy must focus on replying to comments made by potential buyers proactively.

  1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Unlike SEO tactics, PPC ads help real estate professionals divert paid traffic to their websites. While planning paid digital marketing activities, marketers can choose from search engine PPC and social media PPC. Search engine ads appear on search engine results pages based on specific search keywords and search intent.

On the other hand, social media ads appear on the news feeds of the targeted audience. Both search engines and social networks support multiple ad formats. Leading real estate companies increase customer reach by running different ads on targeted platforms.

However, many real estate companies curtail advertising costs by preferring social media PPC to search engine PPC. The search engine or social media users who click through the ads are genuinely interested in the property and offers. Hence, PPC, unlike other real estate digital marketing strategies, is effective in generating high-quality leads in a short amount of time.

  1. Virtual Tour Hosting

The statistics shared by Statista suggest that online video-watching has become the most popular activity of people across regions. The surge in video content consumption creates opportunities for real estate professionals to showcase a property by posting videos. While creating videos for real estate digital marketing campaigns, they should not use animations or digital illustrations.

Instead, they must establish authenticity using real footage of the residential or commercial property. At the same time, they need to make the videos engaging by hosting virtual tours. The virtual tours will help potential buyers evaluate the property in real time. Marketers can make the video-watching experience more immersive by including 3D imaging and other multimedia resources.

  1. User-Generated Content (UGC) Marketing

The data compiled by Adweek suggests that 76% of consumers believe that the content shared by average people is more authentic and honest than the content published by brands. Real estate professionals can boost digital marketing campaigns by leveraging user-generated content (UGC). The UGS will enhance the company’s online reputation and win the trust of potential buyers.

Real estate marketers must collect reviews and testimonials posted by existing customers regularly from search engines, social networks, online forums, and other online sources. Additionally, they should enhance brand trust and create brand narratives by using the UGC in a variety of ways – posting on websites, embedding in ads, and sharing on social networks.


While strategizing real estate digital marketing, marketers use multiple digital marketing channels and tactics. The integrated or omnichannel marketing campaigns enable them to keep communication and interactions with potential buyers consistent across digital touchpoints. At the same time, data analytics helps them increase the ROI by personalizing the customer journey by considering demographic factors and current trends.

Unlike traditional or outbound marketing, inbound marketing does not require your business to reach out to potential customers. Instead, inbound marketing strategies enable your business to attract, influence, and convert prospects by delivering valuable content and experiences. In addition to curtailing customer acquisition costs, inbound marketing strategies help you increase website traffic and generate more leads.

According to the inbound marketing statistics compiled by Thrive,

Inbound marketing strategies reduce customer acquisition costs by about 67% in comparison to outbound marketing strategies. At the same time, a business can generate 126% more leads and increase the close rate to 14.6% by switching from outbound marketing to inbound marketing.

In 2024, your business must abandon outbound marketing and leverage the benefits of inbound marketing. In addition to reducing customer acquisition costs, inbound marketing strategies will help your business increase its online presence, generate more qualified leads, and build long-term relationships with customers. But you must remember that inbound creates opportunities to guide prospects to your business through multiple communication and marketing channels.

You can increase website traffic consistently and convert more website visitors into customers in 2024 only by implementing multiple inbound marketing strategies. However, inbound marketing strategies differ from each other in many aspects, including outcomes. Hence, you must spend some time evaluating and comparing some of the inbound marketing strategies that will help you generate more leads and grow sales in 2024.

15 Inbound Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Customer Base in 2024

1. Buyer Persona Development

The inbound marketing strategies achieve preset goals by engaging and influencing prospects during three important stages in a buyer’s journey – awareness, consideration, and decision. You need to guide a prospect or potential customer throughout the inbound marketing process by delivering targeted and personalized content according to her current position in the buyer’s journey.

You can deliver the right content to a prospect at the right time only by understanding her needs and addressing her pain points. As a fictional representation of the ideal customer, buyer personas describe your target customers elaborately. They define the buyer’s age, gender, and location as well as identify her goals, needs, behaviors, pain points, and challenges.

While planning inbound marketing strategies, you can create multiple buyer personas based on real-time customer data collected from various sources. The buyer personas will help your inbound marketing team to create the right kind of content and influence the prospects by delivering the right information or message at every stage in the buyer’s journey.

2. User Experience Optimization

The inbound marketing strategies will boost your business’s online presence and increase your website traffic. You cannot make any inbound marketing campaign successful in 2024 if your website does not deliver an optimal user experience. While optimizing the website, you must focus on the key factors affecting its user experience.

For instance, you can boost the website’s user experience by making it load in less than 2 seconds. Likewise, you need to ensure that a prospect can access your business website seamlessly on desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. At the same time, you must focus on protecting customer data during storage and transportation from various cybercrimes.

It is always important to assess your website’s user experience from time to time using a slew of KPIs. As a powerful inbound marketing strategy, website optimization will help you achieve present marketing goals by keeping the website visitors engaged and conveying the desired message. However, you must keep in mind the latest search engine guidelines while optimizing your website.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The online experience of 67% of netizens begins with search engines. Hence, both B2B and B2C companies increase website traffic and generate leads organically by implementing organic search marketing or search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.

You can make SEO strategies effective in 2024 only by boosting a website’s user experience and search experience. In addition to implementing the latest search engine guidelines, your strategy must combine the right on-page and off-page SEO techniques.

The on-page SEO activities will optimize the web page content for both search engines and searchers. At the same time, you can boost your website’s popularity, authority, credibility, and reliability by implementing off-page SEO techniques.

4. Paid Search Ads

Leading search engines display paid search results before organic search results. Hence, businesses invest in paid search marketing to diver search engine traffic to their websites quickly. Paid search ads are more effective than SEO tactics in increasing the average conversion rate.

While implementing this inbound marketing strategy, you can increase website traffic by displaying a variety of paid search ads – pay-per-click (PPC), native ads, display ads, and retargeting/remarketing.

The marketing campaign costs will vary according to your choice of paid search ads. You can convert more website visitors into leads and customers by complementing paid search ads with various SEO techniques.

5. Organic Social Media Marketing

The average time netizens spend every day on social media platforms has crossed 144 minutes in 2024. Hence, your business can connect, influence, and engage prospects by adopting organic social media marketing as one of the tried-and-tested digital marketing strategies. Your business can run organic social media marketing campaigns without escalating upfront and ongoing costs. You can generate and convert leads by posting a variety of content – stories, posts, videos, images, and memes – on popular social networking platforms.

However, you can build and sustain relationships with prospects by posting informative, interesting, and inspiring content regularly. Also, you can influence them at various stages of the buyer’s journey by providing relevant and targeted content. Your social media marketing strategy must focus on making the content popular by getting more likes and shares.

6. Paid Social Media Marketing

Most social networking platforms allow users to promote their organic content to a relevant audience by running paid ads. The paid ads require your business to incur ongoing expenses. However, paid social media ads create opportunities for your business to target new users and convert them into customers.

In addition to sharing information about your brands, you can run social ads to increase brand awareness and drive lead generation and conversion. The social ads further create opportunities for you to increase sales revenue by promoting upcoming events, new deals, and fresh content.

7. Content Marketing

Buyers these days evaluate a product or service by gathering a variety of information and asking a slew of questions. Content marketing helps your business generate, nurture, and convert leads by providing relevant content. Many businesses these days run content marketing campaigns with the aim of increasing trust, credibility, and reputation.

You can make content marketing strategies successful in 2024 only by creating, sharing, and promoting a variety of content – articles, blogs, newsletters, whitepapers, videos, and infographics. Also, the strategies must enable every lead or customer to consume the content through her choice of communication channels. However, you can attract and retain buyers only by publishing relevant and useful content regularly and consistently.

8. Video Marketing

Over 91.4% of internet users, these days spend most of their digital media time watching online videos. Many internet users choose and product by watching product review videos. At the same time, many netizens prefer gathering information by watching educational, tutorials, and how-to videos.

Your business can generate, nurture, and convert leads by leveraging the massive popularity of online videos. Your video marketing strategy in 2024 should focus on creating brand awareness and promoting products/services by publishing online videos regularly. Also, you must promote the videos on social networks and video-sharing platforms aggressively to increase views, likes, and shares consistently.

9. User-Generated Content Generation

While conducting pre-purchase research, most buyers trust the content created by consumers using the brand. Your business can influence and nurture prospects at various stages of the buyer’s journey using a variety of user-generated content – comments, reviews, testimonials, photos, videos, and social media posts.

You must make user-generated or consumer-generated content creation one of the inbound marketing strategies in 2024. In addition to using the brand-related content generated by consumers organically, your strategy should encourage and incentivize buyers to post product reviews and testimonials. You can further boost a brand’s online presence by using user-generated content in content marketing campaigns.

10. Landing Page Optimization

As single and standalone web pages, landing pages drive inbound marketing campaigns and lead generation activities. They act as an entry point for buyers to access a specific or relevant section of the website. You must consider landing page optimization in 2024 as one of the most effective inbound marketing strategies and conversion rate optimization (CRO) tactics.

You must conduct elaborate A/B testing to optimize key elements of a landing page – design, layout, copy, and graphics. Also, you must refine the landing pages using buyer personas and include straightforward call-to-action buttons. However, you must monitor the performance of landing pages to know what is working and what is not.

11. Email Marketing

Emails are used by 89% of marketers as the primary channel for generating leads. Your business can adopt email marketing in 2024 either as an inbound marketing strategy or an outbound marketing strategy. As the name suggests, this inbound marketing strategy focuses on creating brand awareness and building customer relationships by sending emails.

Your business can engage both customers and prospects by sending a wide variety of emails – product announcements, product updates, event invitations, and offers/deals. However, you can engage and influence the recipient by choosing the perfect subject line, content, and sign-off. It is also important to send personalized and targeted emails by adopting several email marketing best practices.

12. Influencer Marketing

The massive popularity of social media creates opportunities for businesses to endorse and promote products/services by adopting influence marketing. Unlike conventional inbound marketing strategy, influence marketing emphasizes delivering your brand’s message through influencers or external content creators.

Hence, your business has to partner with individuals or organizations that users love and trust on various social networking platforms. But you can make the inbound marketing strategy successful only by connecting and partnering with the right influencers according to your product/service and targeted customers.

13. Customer Service

In addition to driving sales, inbound marketing tactics focus on building long-term customer relationships. A study conducted by Microsoft suggests that 90% of customers in the USA use customer service as a key parameter while choosing a brand.

Likewise, 58% of customers switch companies due to poor customer service experience. In addition to reducing acquisition costs, a positive customer service experience helps businesses boost sales by promoting customer loyalty. Your business must make customer service experience optimization an inbound marketing strategy in 2024.

14. Customer Loyalty Programs

While implementing inbound marketing strategies, you must not forget that customer acquisition is more expensive than customer retention. Customers these days love to earn rewards and loyalty points while shopping online. Also, many customers recommend brands with good customer loyalty programs.

Your business can increase customer retention and customer loyalty using customer loyalty programs as an inbound marketing strategy. The loyalty programs will encourage customers to repurchase and recommend your brand regularly by recognizing and rewarding them in a variety of ways.

15. Monitoring, Testing, and Automation

The performance of inbound marketing will vary based on a variety of factors. You can boost the performance of inbound marketing campaigns only by understanding what is working and what is not. It is always important to refine your inbound marketing strategies through regular testing and evaluation.

Likewise, you must invest in marketing automation tools to run multiple inbound marketing campaigns without putting in extra time and effort. In addition to automating recurring marketing activities, the automation will help you monitor and measure the performance of individual campaigns using a set of KPIs.


In addition to reducing customer acquisition costs, inbound marketing strategies help your business generate more leads and increase conversion rates. But you can make the inbound marketing campaigns successful in 2024 only by identifying the right channels, understanding customer needs, addressing customer pain points, and building long-term customer relationships.

You can get higher returns only by implementing multiple strategies. Also, you need to track and measure the performance of individual strategies using the right digital marketing KPIs. It is also a great idea to automate inbound marketing campaign management by adopting several marketing software and tools.

This article has been republished in June 2024.

Like large and established companies, startups can sustain profitable growth only by boosting lead generation and conversion activities. But startups, like small businesses, often lack big advertisement budgets. They can leverage digital marketing to generate, nurture, and convert leads despite small advertisement budgets. They can plan and tailor their digital marketing approach carefully to compete with large and established companies.

According to,

Digital marketing is the fundamental term that includes each and every online marketing effort. In digital marketing, companies make use of all the digital channels to reach existing and potential customers. The channels may include Google search, social media, email, websites, so on and so forth. Further, the most important technology, upon which digital marketing relies is ‘Internet‘.

While making digital marketing strategies for startups in 2024, you must focus on implementing a multichannel marketing plan. Your digital marketing strategies must reach potential customers through multiple communication channels. Likewise, your digital marketing plan must explore ways to integrate paid advertising and organic advertising seamlessly. That is why; you need to include a slew of elements to make the digital marketing strategies for startups bring optimum results.

13 Digital Marketing Strategies for Startups to Accelerate Growth in 2024

1) Mobile First Web Design

In 2021, more than 54% of global website traffic comes from mobile devices. The percentage of consumers accessing websites on smartphones and tablets will increase in 2024. You can make digital marketing strategies for startups successful in the future only by adopting a mobile-first approach.

Instead of making the website look good on computers and mobile devices, you need to ensure that the website delivers an optimal user experience on the smallest screens. You must revamp the website to make it look, feel, and function like a mobile app. The redesigned website will keep visitors engaged by offering streamlined content and enhanced download speed.

2) Google My Business

Your digital marketing strategies for startups must make it easier for customers to find your business. Many entrepreneurs these days leverage the free tool provided by Google to optimize their profiles on Google Search and Maps. In addition to sharing important business information with customers, you can leverage Google My Business to interact with customers by requesting them to post reviews.

However, you must consider and compare some of the popular alternatives to Google My Business while implementing digital marketing strategies. Some of these websites allow you to publish business information, while others provide options to add customer reviews and product reviews. You can boost your startup’s online presence by creating profiles on multiple platforms. 

3) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In addition to delivering an outstanding user experience, the mobile-first design will boost your website’s visibility and ranking on popular search engines. However, you must implement a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to generate and convert more leads consistently. While optimizing the website for search engines in 2024, you need to keep in mind the latest search engine guidelines as well as the emerging SEO trends.

Also, your digital marketing strategy must boost the website’s search visibility by implementing both on-page and off-page SEO techniques. For instance, you must implement on-page SEO techniques to optimize a web page’s content, title tag, URL, and images. At the same time, you must boost the web page’s relevance, popularity, credibility, and authority by implementing off-page SEO techniques.

4) Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

You can implement SEO strategies to boost your website’s organic or unpaid traffic. However, your digital marketing strategies for startups must complement SEO with search engine marketing (SEM).  Unlike SEO, SEM focuses on diverting more search traffic to the website through paid advertising. You must implement an SEM strategy to get more website visitors and generate more leads in a short amount of time.

However, startups have to increase their advertising budget to implement an elaborate SEM strategy. You must curtail SEM costs by adopting best practices like creating ads for specific keywords, matching ads and landing pages, and choosing pay-per-click (PPC) instead of pay-per-view (PPV). These best practices will help you to beat the competition and get fast results without breaking advertising budgets.

5) Content Marketing

According to the marketing statistics posted on,

Nearly 40% of marketers say content marketing is a very important part of their overall marketing strategy.

The statistics depict how startups can generate and convert leads by creating, distributing, and promoting a variety of content. While implementing digital marketing strategies for startups in 2024, you must focus on the creation, distribution, and promotion of a variety of content – blogs, videos, podcasts, infographics, and ebooks.

At the same time, you must explore ways to influence the purchase decision of customers by persuading them to consume the content. Your strategy can engage and influence leads in 2024 only by sending personalized and targeted content. Also, you must match the content according to the customer’s current position in the buyer’s journey to solve problems or answer questions.

6) Social Media Marketing

According to, an average internet user spends more than two hours daily on social networking platforms. However, most internet users spend more time on Facebook than on other social networks. The massive popularity of social networks makes them one of the most powerful digital marketing channels in 2024. Your digital marketing strategies for startups must keep in place a robust social media marketing plan.

The social media marketing plan must be tailored according to your startup’s digital marketing goals by choosing the right social networks, creating relevant social media content, and keeping the brand voice consistent across platforms. For instance, your strategy must focus on creating a variety of social media content – posts, stories, photos, and videos – regularly. At the same time, the strategy must create a content calendar to ensure that the content is posted across social networks in an organized and consistent way.

7) Email Marketing

While implementing digital marketing strategies for startups, many marketers these days ignore email marketing.

But according to the digital marketing statistics compiled by,

49% of consumers say they would like to receive promotional emails from their favorite brands on a weekly basis.

Your digital marketing strategies can engage and influence customers in 2024 by sending personalized and targeted emails.

Your strategy must focus on creating an email list by persuading website visitors to share their email IDs using techniques like sign-in forms and lead magnets. Also, you must create informative and interesting emails that keep the recipients engaged and convey the desired message. You can easily make the recipient take the desired action – visit your website, subscribe to the newsletter, or buy your product – by including powerful call-to-actions (CTAs) in the email.

8) Influencer Marketing

The massive popularity of social networks creates opportunities for startups to promote their product or services through an influencer. Your digital marketing strategies for startups must explore ways to promote products/services through product mentions and endorsements from influencers. While launching this style of digital marketing campaign, you can focus on individuals who are considered experts in their niche and/or have a dedicated social media following.

But the outcome of this digital marketing strategy will purely depend on your choice of social influencer. You can find the right social influencer for a particular demography using online platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat. Likewise, you can use specialized tools to identify and shortlist relevant social influencers for your niche and monitor their activities.

9) Video Marketing

While planning content marketing campaigns, you must focus on creating both text-based and visual content. But you must remember that video content is more effective than text and image content in engaging customers and making them absorb the desired messages. Also, you can influence the purchase decisions of customers directly by posting explainer videos.

Your startup can get a higher ROI in 2024 by launching video marketing campaigns. The video marketing campaigns will focus extensively on showcasing and promoting your products/services through a variety of videos. Your digital marketing strategies for startups must focus on the creation and distribution of different types of videos – product demonstrations, explainers, customer testimonials, company culture, and behind-the-scenes.

However, each type of video must be tailored according to your marketing goals and target audience. You must use the video as a powerful tool to strengthen the sales funnel by choosing the appropriate length, tone, and style. Also, you must implement a video SEO strategy to keep the video popular and achieve marketing goals in the long run.

10) Referral Marketing

You can leverage referral marketing to acquire new customers through word-of-mouth of existing customers. Your digital marketing strategies for startups must run a referral program that incentivizes existing customers to tell and recommend your products or services to their family, friends, and coworkers.

The referral program will incentivize existing customers by offering a variety of rewards – discounts, cashback, gift coupons, and referral bonuses. The rewards and freebies will encourage customers to refer and recommend your startup in their circle. However, you must use analytics to set up referral programs across websites, mobile apps, and social networks.

11) Retargeting Ads

While making digital marketing strategies for startups, you must focus extensively on engaging and retaining website visitors. Also, your strategies must make the visitors return to your website and perform the desired action by displaying retargeting ads. Your startup can display retargeting ads to convert window shoppers into customers.

According to Google Ads,

Retargeting ads allow your business to show targeted ads to the users who visited your website and didn’t complete a conversion – purchase an item, fill in a contact form, download a file, etc.

Popular search engines and social networks display retargeting ads to your website visitors based on the pages visited by them. The relevant ads will remind the customer about your product or service while they visit other websites. Also, retargeting ads often increase conversion rates by seducing customers to revisit your website.

12) Viral Marketing

Unlike other digital marketing strategies, viral marketing requires your startups to spread information about a product or service on the internet through consumers. Social networking platforms create opportunities for you to launch viral marketing campaigns successfully without escalating advertisement costs.

However, startups often find it challenging to make consumers spread organic and word-of-mouth information about a product/service. You have to come up with out-of-the-box ideas to create content that more and more consumers will share on social networking platforms. Also, you must include the appropriate message or CTA in the trending content to persuade viewers to visit your website and take the desired action.

13) Customer Service

Many startups these days outperform large companies by delivering outstanding customer service. At the same time, there are many instances when awful customer service damaged the reputation and credibility of startups in hours. In 2024, you can promote customer loyalty and beat the competition simultaneously by leveraging customer service as a new-age marketing channel.

While implementing digital marketing strategies for startups, you must focus on keeping in place a multichannel customer service program. The program will enable every customer to solve problems and avail assistance using her choice of customer service channel. Also, you can enable customers to solve problems on their own by adding blogs, FAQ pages, and knowledge bases to your website.

Your startup can achieve and sustain growth in 2024 only by implementing a slew of digital marketing strategies. But you must remember that digital marketing trends change at regular intervals. Hence, your strategies for startups must focus on monitoring and boosting the performance of individual campaigns continuously. You must not evaluate the performance of every digital marketing campaign using the same metrics or KPIs.

For instance, you cannot use the same set of metrics to measure the impact of SEO and social media marketing activities accurately. Your digital marketing strategies for startups must clearly define the metrics for measuring the performance of individual marketing campaigns. The monitoring will help you to make the digital marketing strategies more impactful in 2024 by adopting emerging trends and implementing necessary changes proactively.

This blog was republished in May 2024.

Want to know what copywriting is? Well, you have landed in the right place; in this comprehensive guide, we are going to tell you all about SEO copywriting and also about the best tools that can assist you in it.

First, you must know that copywriting is very important for every business that wants to build connections and make more sales. 

Copywriting is actually the type of content that entices a reader to perform an action, particularly a purchase. SEO copywriting is quite similar; let us discuss it in detail:

What is SEO Copywriting?

SEO Copywriting is actually a unique way of creating a combination of content that drives traffic and intrigues a reader to take action (subscribing, purchasing, clicking, etc.); usually, this type of writing can be found in promotional blogs, websites, and on e-commerce stores. 

SEO COPYWRITING is very much different from that of COPYWRITING. The main purpose of copywriting is to promote products through content in such a way that the reader converts into a potential buyer.

On the other hand, SEO copywriting is focused on generating targeted traffic for conversions and sales. 

On the basis of SEO copywriting principles, one can create content for:

SEO Copywriting Tips for Beginners:

Search engine optimization is not easy, especially for people who have less knowledge and experience about it. Here we have discussed some of the most important tips that can help you with SEO copywriting:

1.    Do Proper Keyword Research

In SEO copywriting, the most important thing is keyword research. Without the use of keywords, SEO copywriting is incomplete.

Keyword research is a complicated task, but you can make it easy with online keyword finder and suggestion tools. 

Before starting the keyword research process, you have to make a list of terms that you think your target audience would use to find your brand/products/services.

You need to find relevant keywords to those terms.

2.    Optimize Titles & Heading Tags

Metadata is an important element when it comes to search engine optimization. Metadata is actually the information that is used by the search engine to understand who your target audience is and what is the purpose of your content and page.

It includes a meta title, description, title tags, and headers in the content. You must try and include keywords in metadata and keep it under the max length given by Google. Here is a guide on meta descriptions and their importance to SEO.

3.    Adjust Keywords Naturally

In SEO copywriting, you have to make sure that the keywords you add in your drafts are adjusted in an extremely natural way.

If the keywords are placed in irrelevant places and without context, then it is simply going to piss off the search engine as well as the target audience. Readability is a very important factor in SEO.

So you need to make sure that your written material is pleasing to the readers. Only add keywords where they make sense and can entice an action.

4.    Include CTA in Content 

As we have told you before, the main goal and purpose of SEO copywriting are to drive traffic and turn them into leads and, finally, sales.

This cannot be done without proper call-to-actions. CTA is the only thing that can turn a reader into a lead that would finally buy something from your page.

Always make sure that the CTA is clear, concise, and actionable. A reader should know what action you expect from them before they click.

5.    Use Backlinks in Content 

Another point to keep in mind while SEO copywriting is to create backlinks. These are directory links that can drive traffic from other sites to yours.

Getting links from high authority and relevant websites is very important as it can take your site to the top search results. The better position you would have in the search results, the more customers you will get.

6.    Ensure High-Quality Content

SEO copywriting helps you win more sales. High-quality content is very important if you want to see your brand in the top search results.

Content that is free of plagiarism and other human errors would always be ranked higher by the search engine. You need to make sure that your content is well-structured, visually enhanced, and has credible information in it.

Three Best Tools for SEO Copywriting 

Out of dozens of online tools, we have mentioned the top three ones that can assist you in SEO copywriting:


The online notepad is a very important tool for copywriters. The tool can be used for taking notes and making lists during the research phase in copywriting.

You can write down the search terms being used by your target customers on the notepad and can find relevant keywords against them. The online notepad is considered to be the perfect research assistant because it has a search bar in its header. 

Users can enter the possible search terms/queries in the search bar and get results from Google. The notepad’s search bar can be used to find out relevant results and keywords which are commonly used by competitors. 

Research is very important in SEO copywriting. You have to find out keywords that are related to the possible search terms being used by your target audience.

The notepad can help you search and write down all important keywords that you can use in your descriptions, messages, metadata, and in other content copies.

The notepad is free to use, and you don’t have to worry about any restrictions or limitations while using it.

Buzz Sumo

Buzz Sumo is another tool for SEO copywriting. The main function of this tool is to find trending topics that would intrigue your target audience.

You can find topics that are popularly being searched by audiences. Not only can you get new content ideas, but this tool also helps you monitor content being published by your competitors. 

You can find out what kind of content is being published by your competitors and how much traffic they are gaining from it. Other than this feature, you can also use buzz summon to audit your content.

The tool can help you identify posts that have performed well and have helped you get the most sales.

By gathering this information, marketers can easily repurpose their content and generate more leads.


Grammarly is another important tool for SEO copywriters. Grammarly is quite popular among most people related to the content writing fraternity.

The main purpose of this tool is to find out human errors in content. Not only does it find mistakes, but it also fixes them with the best possible solutions.

SEO copywriting, as we have told you earlier, should be free of human errors and plagiarism. Well, Grammarly can be used to check out the quality of content and whether it is unique or not.

Other than checking and preventing human errors, the tool can be used to check plagiarism.

Writers can easily improve the quality of their content and remove plagiarism with the help of Grammarly. It is available in both free and paid versions. Moreover, it provides extensions for Word and Google docs. 

End Words

The tips and tools we have discussed in this post can help you a lot in automating your workflow. Other than that, you can get complete assistance in search engine optimization.

An important point that you need to know is that these three tools can surely streamline your work, but they cannot replace your personal value. So make sure you put personal effort into making your SEO copywriting effective!

As international travel resumes and more aerospace projects expand, the aviation and aerospace industry will become increasingly competitive. To stay ahead in the business of aviation you will want to incorporate digital marketing strategies for the aviation industry to succeed against your competitors. Digital marketing can help you to recruit people easily, in a time when many employees are leaving the airline industry, and help you to build your business. The more digital marketing you invest in, the more people you will reach.

Actionable Digital Marketing Strategies For Aviation Industry

Optimize Your Website

One of the first things that you should do to ensure that you are able to reach people is to optimize your website for search engines. Search engine optimization will help your website show up in the listings first. You will want to conduct keyword research and get as much content on your site as possible that is relevant to your business. By having an organic content strategy you could save money in the long run. It is an essential part of a digital marketing strategy that many businesses overlook because of the amount of effort it takes to produce. However, you want to be ahead of your competitors, so you want to put website optimization into your marketing strategy.

Actionable Landing Page

When people come on to your website, you want them to stay there and take a look at what you have to offer. Having a bland landing page that does not catch the eye simply will not work. People will get bored quickly and simply get off of your website. Create a landing page that people will be interested in. Make sure that is organized, optimized for both desktop and mobile, and clearly represents your services and mission to potential customers. Also, make sure that you clearly represent your mission statement as an organization on your landing page. This will let your visitors get familiar with you as a brand. Here are some landing page best practices for you to implement for your website.

Do Not Forget Social Media

Social media is big, even in the aviation world. You should not neglect to have a social media presence. You can reach many different people, especially if you use multiple social media sites. Consider using sites like Facebook, Twitter, and even TikTok. Make sure that your content on these sites is engaging. You will want to post frequently to ensure that you reach many different people. It is also a great opportunity to update on important information. If you are an airline you may want to post live updates for delayed flights to keep passengers in the loop.


One way that you can interest people in aviation is to start blogging. Blogging is great for SEO purposes. You can include keywords that will then link back to your website. The more blogging you do, the better. You will want to blog about things like what is going on in the aviation field, and you can even include personal stories. Just make sure that you post frequently and that you include keywords. It is important to note that you should not overstuff the keywords.

This will not help your business show up better. To get started with blogging, you should make a list of topics that you would like to cover. After you have created the list, try to write your first blog post about the first thing you have written down. You will find that the more you practice, the easier it will be to write a blog post.

Here are some interesting ways to come up with great posts for your website blog.

Do Email Lists

To help with aviation recruitment advertising, you will want to do email marketing. Email marketing will have you getting a list of people that you can email about your business. You can include things like information about your business, upcoming events, promotions, and more. If you are not sure how to build a good email marketing strategy, take your time and do some research.

When people come to your landing page, it is a good idea to enable a popup that asks visitors to sign up for your mailing list. That will make it easier to gain some contacts that are interested in your services. Make sure when you create an emailing strategy that you are well-read on CAN-SPAM laws. If you are using an outreach list, make sure to remove any recipients who clearly indicate they do not want to be contacted again. Make sure that you also provide an option for email subscribers to unsubscribe from your emails if they wish.

Make A Mobile App

This one might seem strange, but people love their mobile apps, and most people have a cell phone at their fingertips. A mobile app will allow you to create a unique experience for people who visit it. When someone launches the app, they will be able to communicate with you and learn more about your aviation business. This is an especially great idea for airports and airlines. By having a mobile app you could clearly communicate flight schedules and delays.

Do Live Chats

One of the best ways to use digital marketing for your aviation business is to do live videos. These live videos can showcase your aviation and help you to get people to come in. Make sure that you post them on your social media channels and YouTube. Create engaging content that makes people want to tune in. Create exclusives that are just for the people that tune in to your Livestream videos.

For example, if you are an aviation company that allows people to take private helicopter rides, record some go-pro videos of what that experience is like. Educate viewers on helicopter safety and explain the different package options you have. If you are an aviation school, show what it’s like to fly from the driver’s seat and give a sneak peek at how to fly a plane. When it is safe to do so, make sure to respond to questions in your comment section.


When it comes to digital marketing, every business field, including aviation, can benefit from it. Whether you are an airline, or airport terminal, or provide private helicopter tours. There are so many ways to advertise online. The more that you do, the more that your business will reach people. Consider getting started today so that you can reach more people and teach them about aviation and more.

[This article has been reposted from this website ]

Marketing has long been crucial to the success of real estate professionals. For many years the norm has been traditional advertising like billboards, magazines, and radio. However, with the widespread use of the internet, digital marketing has begun to revolutionize the way we do marketing.

Today more prospective home buyers are looking at sites like Zillow to browse at houses than they are looking at the free realtor magazines on display at their local Chinese restaurant. In order to stay up to date with today’s modern homebuyers, you need to incorporate digital marketing techniques into your marketing plan if you want to reach them. Take a look at these nine local digital marketing strategies for realtors if you need to revamp your outreach efforts.


Most enterprises these days launch different and multiple digital marketing campaigns to get a higher return on investment (ROI). Digital marketers cannot monitor and manage various digital marketing campaigns – search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, video marketing, and web advertising – without using the right software solutions and tools. Most digital marketers these days use digital marketing automation tools to automate repetitive digital marketing activities.

The widely used Chrome extensions for digital marketers enable digital marketers to automate specific digital marketing activities without investing in proprietary digital marketing automation frameworks and tools. Every digital marketer has the option to choose from many extensions from the Chrome Web Store according to automate specific digital marketing activities. Hence, she can download and install the appropriate Chrome extension to save the time and effort required to run and manage multiple campaigns.


Unlike large enterprises, small businesses and startups lack the resources required to generate leads and drive sales using traditional media like television, radio, newspapers, and magazines. Digital marketing enables small businesses to compete with larger enterprises without increasing costs. A small business can launch personalized and targeted digital marketing campaigns to generate leads and increase sales conversion rates consistently.

But no small business can boost lead generation and lead conversion simply by launching multiple and different digital marketing campaigns. It has to monitor and fine-tune the performance of individual digital marketing campaigns to achieve preset marketing goals. The small business marketing automation tools help small businesses and startups manage multiple digital marketing campaigns efficiently through the automation of various marketing activities.


The coronavirus epidemic has brought attention to every aspect of corporate marketing. Entrepreneurs need to take a practical approach to research post-pandemic digital marketing solutions to return to the game. The pandemic has spread worldwide, affecting millions of people and encouraging businesses to keep at least 75% of their human resources at home. It means closing many places and businesses, including restaurants, movie theaters, entertainment venues, and other places where people gather.

If you think your company is ready to do business normally, here we have come up with some of the best COVID-19 digital marketing techniques to restore and improve your brand’s online existence. The adverse effects of the pandemic are being felt in all industries and businesses, so knowing the Digital Marketing Trends is also essential. Below are the top ten digital marketing tips that will allow your business to grow and maintain stability during COVID-19.


The technology changes have become really frequent and disruptive nowadays. Small business owners cannot engage and retain customers without integrating conventional and next-generation marketing channels. They need to look for innovative digital marketing strategies to increase online sales and remain profitable in the longer run. They need to prepare and implement a robust digital marketing strategy according to both existing and emerging trends in digital marketing. Also, they have to implement various digital marketing best practices efficiently to reach out to more customers and achieve higher conversion rate. Here are 7 digital marketing strategies for small businesses and startups in 2018.


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