17 Important Ad Networks for Bloggers

Ad Networks for Bloggers 17 Important Ad Networks for Bloggers

Within a short span of time, blogging has emerged as a lucrative career option. Many bloggers these days write and publish blogs regularly to earn a salary. At the same time, many salaried professionals have become full-time bloggers to earn more income. The amount of money a blogger can earn differs based on a myriad of factors including category, popularity, and experience.

According to Qrius.com,

If the blogger is more experienced, then he/she can earn up to $3000+ also. Celebrity bloggers in India earn between $20,000 and $30,000 a month. Most of the bloggers are average bloggers who are earning $500 – $1000. Only a few bloggers are earning between $5000 and $10,000 a month. And this income is way more than what an average engineer earns in India.

The blogger cannot earn income without monetizing the blog properly. Both experienced bloggers and beginners can monetize their blogs in a number of ways. Many content creators monetize their blogs by leveraging ad networks as a simple but effective blog monetization option. The ad networks start displaying ads after approving a blog. They display relevant ads to the readers according to the category and nature of the blogs.

Also, they display the ads without impacting the reading experience of website visitors. Hence, ad networks help bloggers generate recurring income by displaying high-quality ads. While monetizing their blogs, the bloggers have the option to choose from a wide range of ad networks. Some of these ad networks approve a blog quickly, while others require the blogs to comply with predefined guidelines. Content creators can easily monetize their blogs by focusing on some important ad networks for bloggers.

Ad Networks for Bloggers: 17 Popular Ad Networks That Help Website and App Owners to Earn Recurring Income

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is currently one of the most popular and preferred ad networks for bloggers. Millions of bloggers rely on the ad network launched by Google to earn recurring income. AdSense aims to help bloggers to generate revenue in a simple and free way by posting ads on their websites. The ad network evaluates each ad to determine its relevance for specific blog posts. The bloggers also have the option to customize ad formats and placement to generate more money. In addition to supporting an impression-based payment model, Ad Sense supports automated and timely payment schedules. However, the ads often look like spam after being displayed by Google on many websites.


Unlike experienced bloggers, beginners opt for InfoLinks to generate revenue through intent-driven smart ads. The ad network uses algorithms to deliver the right ad to the right reader in real time. The advanced ad units provided by InfoLinks help bloggers monetize traffic from both computers and mobile devices. Also, content creators can generate more revenue by utilizing the unused ad space on their websites. They can monitor the ad revenue using the dashboard provided by InfoLinks. However many bloggers complain that the dashboard provided by the ad network looks dated. InfoLinks has set the minimum payout at $50.


Unlike other ad networks, BlogHer emphasizes on empowering and inspiring women content creators. The options provided by BlogHer help female bloggers monetize their blogs and women entrepreneurs monetize their websites. Bloggers can join BlogHer to monetize their blogs by partnering with many publishers and influencers. In addition to growing blog traffic, the ad network helps content creators to get sponsored content opportunities. However, BlogHer does not allow registered members to display third-party ads on their websites. Also, bloggers must allow the ad network to display ads on the top of every web page or blog post.

Revenue Hits

Revenue Hits emphasizes boosting sales conversion instead of generating ad-based revenue. It uses a payment model that triggers payout only when the display ad leads to sales or sign-ups. Bloggers cannot leverage the ad network to earn recurring income if they are not selling any products or services. However, over 20000 content publishers use Revenue Hits to convert website visitors into customers. In addition to imposing no traffic restrictions, Revenue Hits supports higher payout rates. Many entrepreneurs opt for this ad network to boost conversion rates regularly.


Mediavine helps content creators monetize their blogs by displaying tried and tested ads. As the ad network tests every ad before placement, the ads become more effective in generating revenue. Also, Mediavine helps bloggers to get search engine traffic and keep readers engaged by boosting website loading speed by 200%. The bloggers can use the dashboard provided by Mediavine to check and monitor the ad revenue in a transparent way. They are further required to pay a fixed percentage of the ad revenue to Mediavine. However, the ad network has set the minimum traffic requirement at 25000 sessions per month.

Check out the detailed Mediavine review to understand better how this ad network works.


Raptive is the rebranded version of the AdThrive. The new-age ad network creates opportunities for
content creators to increase ad revenue in the age of intelligence technologies. However, it boosts ad
revenue by leveraging advanced ad bidding technologies and providing exclusive ad deals. Raptor
monetizes websites that receive the most traffic from the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Raptive divides content creators into multiple categories based on ad revenues. It further allows them to
avail of three categories of solutions – Audience, Revenue, and Business. A blogger can join Raptive only
if his website’s monthly page views exceed 100,000. Also, he must publish 100% original content and set
up Google Analytics accurately as part of the eligibility criteria. The stringent requirements make Rapid
best-suited for monetizing popular blog sites.


The popular alternative to Google AdSense is supported by major search engines like Bing and Yahoo. Many experienced bloggers and beginners prefer Media.net to Google AdSense to generate revenue through contextual ads. In addition to creating contextual ads according to the content, Media.net customizes the ads according to the website’s look and feel. It further increases ad revenue by displaying the highest-yielding ads. Media.net takes a few days to review and approve a blog. But it has set the minimum payout at $100. Many bloggers even complain about the quality of ad unit designs provided by Media.net.


Unlike other ad networks for bloggers, Monumetric helps content creators generate revenue by implementing customized ad revenue strategies. In addition to forming revenue partnerships, Monumetric helps bloggers earn recurring income by providing a slew of features – alignment with premium advertisers, dedicated technical support, and no long-term contract. The bloggers can further use the dashboard provided by Monumetric to monitor the performance of ads and check the latest earning statistics. However, bloggers can join the ad network only when their blogs or websites have over 10000 page views per month. They need to pay a setup fee if the monthly page view is less than 80000.

Here is a detailed review of the Monumetric ad network.

Fomo Ads

Despite being a young ad network, Fomo Ads has been gaining popularity due to its simple sign-up process and easy-to-use setup. The ad networks support the pay-per-view (PPV) pricing model and allow bloggers to earn revenue based on the number of impressions. The customization tools provided by Fomo help bloggers make ads more appealing by changing their look and feel. At the same time, the bloggers also have the option to decide the way push notification ads and the number of push notification ads to be displayed. However, Fomo, unlike leading ad networks, does not support different types of push notifications and ad units. 


Unlike the large ad networks for bloggers, Ezoic helps bloggers generate revenue by monetizing traffic from countries other than the USA. Ezoic leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to make websites load faster and increase ad revenue. The ad networks further optimize blog monetization by providing robust features like a drag-and-drop ad tester, an option to implement ad exchange, a massive advertiser base, and measuring ROI using big data analytics. However, the Google Certified Publishing Partner allows bloggers to sign up only when their websites have 10,000 monthly visitors.  Hence, novice bloggers often find it challenging to leverage Ezoic. Here is a detailed review of Ezoic Ad Network.


PropellerAds enables bloggers to earn recurring income using a variety of options – native ads, on-click ads, banner ads, smart links, push notifications, and interstitials. It uses an AI-driven system to automate and optimize various ad campaigns. Also, the fraud prevention technology used by the ad network helps bloggers monetize only legitimate traffic by eliminating the chances of fraud. The bloggers can create ads and monitor ads in real-time using the self-serve platform provided by PropellerAds. Unlike other ad networks, PropellerAds has not set any minimum page view number and supports a low payout rate. However, the ads published by the network often impact the reading experience of website visitors.


Content.ad allows bloggers to earn recurring income using two different options – native ads and push notifications. Despite displaying content from third-party websites, the native ads blend seamlessly with the blog posts. On the other hand, push notifications are delivered to the target audience as desktop reminders or mobile alerts. The bloggers also have the option to choose from several payment models and payment options supported by Content.ad. The ad networks simplify the monetization of blogs by providing important features like simple installation, mobile-friendly widgets, customizable JavaScript and styles, and API support. 


Epom helps content creators and publishers monetize content by diverting traffic to their blogs through computers and mobile devices. In addition to supporting multiple ad formats, the Epom ad network increases revenue by focusing on ad format and ad space. It further uses an intelligent matching algorithm and precise targeting to help bloggers generate more revenue. At the same time, the bloggers can use the easy-to-use interface provided by Epom to control advertising activities, monitor ad performance, and track daily revenue.  


Bidvertiser describes itself as a supply-side ad platform for content publishers. It allows bloggers to monetize their blogs by choosing from a wide range of ad formats – smartlinks, sliders, and banners. Also, it leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to help bloggers monetize both web traffic and mobile traffic to their blogs. Bidvertiser scans the ads regularly to keep them safe. Also, the ad platforms enable bloggers to earn recurring income by setting a payout rate of $10. The bloggers can further receive payment through cheques, bank transfers, and PayPal.


Like PopCash, Viewdeos approves blogs in a short amount of time. However, the ad network monetizes blogs through video ads. The blogger can access premium video ads after joining Viewdeos. Also, Viewdeos engages readers by creating customized ad videos from the content. Many bloggers join Viewdeos to generate more revenue by displaying high-quality video ads. Video ads are more effective in keeping the readers engaged and persuading them to click than other forms of digital ads. The bloggers can easily evaluate the video ads by requesting a demo before joining Viewdeos.


At present, RevContent is one of the most preferred native ad networks for bloggers. The discovery platform provided by RevContent helps content creators to monetize their blogs recommending the content to relevant users. The bloggers can easily deliver relevant content to the target audience using customizable widgets provided by the ad network. Also, they can make appropriate editorial and revenue decisions by leveraging audience insights. RevContent claims to make over 250 billion content recommendations per month to 97% of US households.


At present, the ads placed by 33Across are being accessed by hundreds of leading advertisers and premium brands. The bloggers can join the 33Across ad network to improve blog visibility and drive higher performance by leveraging Impact ad formats. 33Across allows bloggers to integrate Impact ads with various platforms by choosing from three distinct options – header bidding, tag-based integration, and sever-to-server. The bloggers can further create Impact ads using a single piece of code. 33Across is one of the ad networks that allow content creators to control both ad formats and advertisers without any restrictions.

While exploring ways to monetize the blogs, the content creators can choose from many ad networks. But they must remember that the ad networks differ from each other in a number of categories including approval guidelines and pricing models. Most ad networks allow bloggers to earn income by choosing from four distinct pricing models – cost per click (CPC), cost per mile (CPM), cost per acquisition (CPA), and fixed rate. That is why; bloggers must choose the right ad network and the right pricing model to earn recurring income by writing content.


One response to “17 Important Ad Networks for Bloggers”

  1. Indian players like Tyroo and Affle Ad Network should definitely be mentioned in this post.

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