Best SEO Tools for Small Businesses

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the digital marketing strategies that help small businesses compete with large and multinational companies. Small companies and startups run SEO campaigns to grow organic website traffic, improve brand awareness, and increase leads in a cost-efficient way.

However, search engines update their algorithms frequently and consider new search signals regularly. The frequent changes and updates make SEO complex and challenging. Large enterprises overcome SEO challenges by hiring additional search engine optimizers and content creators.

However, small businesses overcome existing and emerging SEO challenges through automation. They automate routine SEO activities and tasks by leveraging the best SEO tools for small businesses. Some of these firms implement free SEO tools, while others use the free version of premium SEO tools.

Hence, your company or startup can use a wide range of tools to automate various SEO tasks and activities. But you cannot boost SEO automation without combining multiple SEO tools. We are making it easier for you to drive SEO automation by discussing some of the SEO tools used widely by small businesses.

Overview of 17 Best SEO Tools for Small Businesses

1. Google Search Console

The free SEO tool provided by Google helps you measure and track a website’s search performance using various metrics. After adding your website to Google Search Console, you can measure its traffic using a slew of filters – search type, search query, device, country, and search appearance.
At the same time, you can use Google Search Console to detect and fix issues affecting your website’s search performance. You can identify the pages indexed and excluded by Google by generating index coverage reports. Also, you can boost the website’s search visibility by differentiating high-performing pages from low-performing pages.

2. Google Keyword Planner

The design goal of the tool is to help users find the most relevant keywords for Google Ads. However, Google Keyword Planner is used widely by SEO professionals to get keyword suggestions for a specific product, service, or business. In addition to suggesting relevant keywords, the tool shows monthly searches for each keyword.
You can leverage the free tool by planning ad campaigns and defining advertising goals. Google Keyword Planner will suggest keywords and popular keyword ideas according to the predefined advertising goal. You can use the keyword ideas strategically to boost your website’s search engine visibility.

3. Google Trends

The tool provided by Google helps you boost SEO campaigns by understanding what your target audiences are searching for. In addition to showing trending search queries, Google Trends shows the search performance of the exact and related keywords over a period of time.
You can use the tool to find popular search queries for a specific search term. Also, you can find more relevant search queries using filters like region, category, and search type. Hence, you can leverage the tool as one of the best SEO tools for small businesses to conduct competitive keyword research and identify events triggering search volume spikes.

4. Ahrefs

The Lite edition of this premium SEO software tool is hugely popular with small businesses. Your firm should consider Ahrefs to automate important SEO tasks like keyword research, website audit, competitor analysis, and keyword rank tracking. Also, the tool helps you find content ideas and link-building opportunities.
You can use the Site Explorer provided by Ahrefs to identify keywords and web pages ranking higher on search engine results pages. Likewise, the tool helps you understand what keywords and content help your competitors increase website traffic organically. You can implement these ideas and insights to outperform competitors by boosting your SEO strategies.

5. Moz

Moz allows you to use a slew of free SEO tools. You can use the keyword research tool provided by Moz to find traffic-driving keywords. Likewise, you can get actionable insights using the competitor analysis tool. At the same time, the link explorer tool helps you find link-building opportunities by exploring over 40 trillion backlinks.
Moz provides a domain analysis tool that helps you calculate the probability of your website appearing at the top of search results using many metrics. Each of these SEO tools for small businesses helps you boost SEO campaign performance by leveraging huge sums of online data. Also, you can use the desired SEO tools without increasing overheads.

6. Semrush

Semrush is an all-in-one digital marketing software package. The premium software suite comes with an SEO toolkit. You can leverage the SEO toolkit provided by Semrush to automate crucial SEO activities like website audit, on-page SEO, keyword research, competitor analysis, and keyword rank tracking.
Also, the SEO toolkit helps you boost a website’s search visibility by finding link-building opportunities. You can use the tool provided by Semrush to audit backlink profiles, find backlink gaps, identify toxic backlinks, and analyze competitors’ backlink profiles.

7. Rank Ranger

You can consider this premium SEO software to leverage custom rank tracking. Rank Ranger helps you boost SEO campaigns by tracking the search performance of your website for specific keywords. You can use the tool to identify your top competitors and track the search engine ranking of their websites.
Hence, it becomes easier for you to boost the search visibility of the website by working on low-ranking keywords. Rank Ranger allows you to customize the keyword rank tracking process by generating daily, monthly, or weekly reports.
You can further track the search ranking of the desktop and mobile versions of the website across multiple search engines, including Google, Bing, and Baidu. But you have to combine Rank Ranger with other SEO tools to automate additional SEO activities.

8. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

You cannot boost a website’s search engine visibility without focusing on technical SEO. Your SEO strategy must focus on identifying and fixing all technical issues that make it difficult for search engines to crawl and index the website. Screaming Frog SEO Spider makes it easier for you to find common SEO issues by conducting online website audits.
You can leverage the distinct SEO software to find many SEO issues, including duplicate content, broken links, and faulty redirects. Also, Screaming Frog helps you improve the page title and meta descriptions of web pages. You can use this software to fix technical issues in 500 URLs without escalating costs.

9. Surfer

The premium software simplifies SEO strategizing by providing a content editor and a keyword research tool. You can use the content editor provided by Surfer to optimize content for search engines using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. At the same time, the keyword research tool provided by Surfer helps you find and embed the most relevant keywords in the content.
It helps you create relevant content by understanding what type of content your competitors publish. You can increase your website’s search engine visibility by conducting site and content audits using the useful tool provided by the software. Small businesses access the premium software by creating a free account.

10. SimilarWeb

Free tools provided by the premium software help you understand and analyze website traffic using multiple metrics. In addition to sharing insights gained by analyzing your website traffic, SimilarWeb helps you compare your website traffic with the traffic of competitor websites.
The dashboard provided by the software helps you boost SEO activities by generating reports based on real-time website traffic data. At the same time, the market intelligence tools provided by SimilarWeb make it easier for you to understand the behavior of the target audience. But you have to spend money to avail of the premium tools and solutions provided by SimilarWeb.

11. Ubersuggest

You can use Ubersuggest to boost your SEO strategies by understanding what strategies work for your competitors. The tool helps you gain insights into the SEO and content marketing strategies used by your competitors. Also, you can leverage Ubersuggest to detect relevant keywords, get content ideas, and find link-building opportunities.
Hence, you should consider this premium SEO tool to understand and emulate the SEO strategies used by competitors. But your team can use Ubersuggest for free only for 7 days on a trial basis. You have to subscribe to a lifetime or monthly pricing plan to use the software in the long run.

12. Exploding Topics

It becomes easier for you to outperform competitors when your SEO strategy detects the right topics and keywords early. Exploding Topics helps you find keywords and topics that are currently trending but yet to become popular.
You can use the premium software to find trending topics and keywords based on specific categories like startup, e-commerce, software, health, fitness, finance, and fashion. Also, you can pick the right topics and keywords by evaluating their growth over a period of time.

13. Yoast

Yoast is currently the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress. You must consider this premium software while optimizing a WordPress website for search engines. The features and tools provided by Yoast help you optimize a web page for specific keywords. At the same time, the software makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index web pages by generating XML sitemaps.
The content analysis tool provided by Yoast helps you optimize content for search engines despite having no technical knowledge. Also, you can use the bulk editor to update page titles and meta descriptions in minutes. However, the free version of Yoast lacks some of the advanced features and tools provided by Yoast Pro.

14. SEOquake

You can use the popular SEO toolkit as a browser extension. Hence, it becomes easier for you to assess the search performance of your own website and competitor websites. The SEOquake helps you conduct website audits in real time.
Also, you can use it to gather elaborate information about the internal and external links on a web page. At the same time, SEOquake allows you to choose from a slew of SEO parameters while evaluating a website.

15. RankIQ

This SEO toolkit is developed to cater to the needs of individual bloggers and businesses running blogs. You can use RankIQ to reduce the time and effort required to optimize a blog post. It helps you choose the best blog topics by evaluating relevant topics using relevance and score.
Also, you can use the writing assistant provided by RankIQ to optimize both new and existing blog posts. The software helps you choose the most relevant keywords by suggesting low-competition keywords with high-traffic potential.

16. Seobility

Seobility is a premium SEO toolkit. It comes with features and tools to facilitate on-site audits, keyword rank tracking, and backlink analysis. Seobility conducts on-site audits by crawling the whole website including external and internal links. Also, it tracks the ranking of keywords across cities and countries.
It finds link-building ideas and opportunities for your SEO project by analyzing the link profiles of competitor websites. You can use the basic version of the software for free. But the version allows you to optimize a single website project. You have to upgrade to premium versions of Seobility to optimize multiple websites and crawl additional web pages.

17. SEOptimizer

The SEO audit and reporting tool provided by SEOptimizer is popular with small businesses and startups. You can consider premium SEO software to conduct SEO audits comprehensively and regularly. The audit reports generated by the software help you understand the changes and improvements required to boost your website’s search engine ranking.
At the same time, you can boost SEO activities using an SEO crawling tool, keyword research tool, and keyword tracking tool. The API provided by SEOptimizer enables you to create custom SEO solutions based on over 100 data points. You can use the software for 14 days by opting for a free trial option.

Final Words

As a cost-efficient digital marketing strategy, SEO helps small businesses beat the competition. However, frequent search engine algorithm changes make SEO complex and challenging for small businesses. Small companies and startups overcome various SEO challenges using the best SEO tools for small businesses.
However, you should remember that each SEO tool automates specific tasks and activities. You cannot boost SEO automation without using multiple SEO tools. It is always advisable to keep in mind the SEO tasks to be automated while comparing and evaluating these SEO tools popular with firms with low digital marketing budgets.

In addition to adding credibility to business websites, blogs drive lead generation, nurturing, and conversion strategies. Businesses publish blog posts regularly to convert website visitors into leads. Also, they use blogs as a tool to convert the leads into customers by providing relevant and targeted content according to their current position in the sales funnel.

But an internet user has the option to access more than 500 million blog sites. Also, content creators and marketers publish over 700 million new blog posts every month. Hence, your business can leverage this powerful marketing tool only by making your blogs stand out from the crowd. You can generate and nurture more leads only when the blog readership grows consistently.

While exploring ways to increase blog traffic, you must focus on identifying the right traffic sources for the blog. Also, you must optimize the blog site regularly to boost its user experience and search visibility. However, it is also important to adopt some of the ideas and best practices used by bloggers and marketers to increase blog traffic in both the short and long runs.

9 Ideas You Should Implement to Increase Blog Traffic Consistently

1. Choose the Right Blog Topics

While planning and creating content, bloggers have the option to consider a wide range of topics. But you cannot increase blog traffic if the targeted readers are not searching for or interested in the topics. That is why; you must come up with great blog post ideas to attract and engage more readers. At the same time, you must focus on creating evergreen content that will remain relevant and popular in the longer run.

2. Implement SEO Techniques

Websites and blog sites these days get 67.6% of all clicks through organic search. Hence, you can increase organic traffic to your blog only by considering over 200 factors considered by Google search algorithms while ranking websites. You can increase blog traffic organically by implementing two distinct sets of search engine optimization (SEO) techniques – on-page and off-page.

On-page SEO techniques help you optimize the content for search engines and readers by including the most relevant keywords, along with optimizing internal links, title tags, and URLs. At the same time, you can use a slew of off-page SEO techniques to increase blog traffic by increasing your site’s popularity and domain authority. It is also important to keep the SEO strategies dynamic to adopt emerging trends early.

3. Help Readers Access Additional Information

You can provide readers with in-depth information about a topic by writing long-form content. But you must allow users to gather additional information while reading the blog by visiting both internal and external web pages. You can boost the blog’s reader experience and search visibility by incorporating internal links and implementing internal linking best practices. At the same time, you can boost a blog’s search visibility by incorporating external links to popular and authoritative domains.

4. Include and Optimize Images

A study conducted by Buzzsumo highlights the effectiveness of the image-to-word ratio in increasing blog traffic. You can increase blog traffic and shares significantly by incorporating an image every 75 to 100 words. However, you must focus on creating shareable images using graphic design tools or hiring professional graphic designers. Also, it is important to right images, add context around images, and implement several image SEO tips.

5. Conduct Content Gap Analysis

You can increase blog traffic only by publishing content desired by targeted readers. Many marketers and bloggers conduct a content gap analysis to know if the published blogs meet readers’ needs and expectations. You can conduct content gap analysis using a variety of techniques. The results will help you to meet readers’ expectations by publishing better blog posts as well as updating published blog posts. Your strategy to increase blog traffic must consider conducting content gap analysis regularly.

6. Leverage the Popular Social Networks 

The average daily time spent on various social networking platforms has increased to 2 hours 27 minutes in 2022. Hence, you can increase both blog traffic and readership by diverting visitors to your blog site from popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can increase blog traffic by sharing posts across social networks as well as building relationships with other bloggers. However, it is always important to choose and target the right social networks according to your readers.

7. Grow Your Email List Consistently

While promoting blogs on social media, you lack the options to understand the users’ expectations and needs. But you can connect with the relevant readers using a tried-and-trusted inbound marketing channel like emails. Your strategy to increase blog traffic must focus on growing the email lists and capturing the addresses of website visitors. You can even consider using many email-capturing tools and techniques to grow the email list and increase blog traffic consistently.

8. Promote Blog Posts in Online Communities

Netizens these days bond with others with shared interests by joining various online communities. Many professionals and readers even rely on other community members to gather information, share ideas, and get recommendations. You can diver relevant readers to your blog site by promoting your blog posts on online communities. However, you must join the communities and understand their cultures before sharing or promoting your blog posts.

9. Monitor and Analyze Blog Site Traffic

You need actionable insights obtained by monitoring and analyzing the blog site’s traffic. You can easily monitor and measure blog traffic using many website monitoring tools. In addition to tracking website traffic, these tools help you understand what sources divert visitors to the website and which blogs are more popular with visitors. You can analyze website traffic using a slew of metrics simply by integrating the web analytics tool into your blog site.


Your business can drive lead generation, nurturing, and conversion by posting fresh content regularly. But you must implement a strategy to increase blog traffic consistently from various sources. Your strategy must consider these ideas and best practices that help many blog sites and business websites get more traffic regularly.

This blog was republished in July 2023.

You know the basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and now want to master some additional SEO tips and tricks that will help you to boost organic traffic in 2023.


What exactly comes next to these three factors?

This is where advanced SEO tactics come into play.

With that in mind, we have created this guide covering all Five steps that will skyrocket your site’s performance.

Here you go!

Boost Organic Traffic by Using the below methods

1.   Analyze Your Competitors’ Best-performing Pages

Gathering more knowledge about your competitors will give you numerous benefits.

When you spend plenty of time figuring out what works for your competitors, you can learn about their particular approaches.

You can start analyzing your competitors’ best-performing pages so that you have a better idea of where the traffic is coming from.

With this step, you can have a comprehensive understanding of:

How to find your competitors best-performing pages?

You can use tools like Ahref and Semrush and enter competitors’ URLs into the input bar. Here is the list of 17 SEO competitor analysis tools for you.

These tools will uncover your competitors’ sites:

Concentrate on the keyword gap

One of the proven ways to write winning content is to pay closer attention to the keyword gap. Following this step, you can find the keywords your competitors are using, and you are not. In this way, you can write content around those keywords and fill the keyword gap.

While crafting a tailor-made content strategy, you need to focus on these two areas:

Optimizing already published content is a good starting point. One of the most common blunders that writers make is that they start creating content blindly.

Avoid doing this!

Before diving into the writing phase, you should have a crystal-clear writing purpose in mind.

In addition, you need to justify every single chunk of content that you are going to write.

2.   Create amazing content & optimize it

All writers who are trying to drive more conversions and leads to their businesses know that content is king.

Content that provides readers with valuable information proves to be the best.

On the contrary, if your content fails to provide good information, it is just a waste of time.

Furthermore, weak content allows your competitors to perform better.

How bad it is!

So, you should create content that best fits your audience’s needs and focuses on on-page SEO.

Struggling to write stellar content? Use a reliable paraphrasing tool to get the job done!

If you face difficulty in writing winning content, panic not.

A rephraser can help you paraphrase your content within a few seconds.

Powered by Artificial intelligence, the online paraphraser creates different versions of the same content. In addition, it keeps the original meaning of the text unchanged.

Most importantly, the paraphrased content is 100% plagiarism-free.

How to use the paraphrasing tool

You can copy your competitors’ content you like the most and paste it into the input section of a rephrasing tool.

Now is the time to click on the “paraphrase” button and wait for a few seconds.

The rephrasing tool paraphrases your content within seconds. After that, you need to check its grammar by pressing the “Grammar Checker” button.

It minutely checks the grammar of your text and underlines all the grammatical flaws.

Finally, you need to hit the “Export” button to download the rephrased text.

In a nutshell, using an online rephrasing tool helps you create unique content.

3.   Let Google crawl the site easily

The more your data is well-structured, the better your pages will appear in the results.

Accordingly, you should pay attention to page depth.

Pro tip:

Your page’s depth should be less than three clicks. Therefore, you need to:

4.   Leverage competitors’ broken backlinks

Building excellent backlinks can be challenging. But panic not!

You can excel in this situation by utilizing your competitors’ broken backlinks.

For this, you have to find out their broken backlinks and write content that fits the link properly.

You can benefit from the Semrush Backlink Analytics tool and paste your competitor’s domain there.

It will instantly show you the pages that are not acquiring ranking through the links.

So you can take advantage of the broken backlinks.

5.   Rank in the Feature Snippet

Now, Google aims to respond to queries directly to users beyond ten blue links.

Although websites compete with each other, they drive massive traffic from Google simultaneously.

It would be best to focus on Featured Snippets. So, you can take advantage of it.


Follow these tips and tricks:

Wrapping Up

These are the fundamental ways to boost organic traffic.

In order to increase your organic traffic without relying on anyone, you should follow these Five steps.

Best of luck!

Search engines like Google and Bing index and rank websites using search algorithms with over 200 ranking factors. The position and visibility of a website vary on search engine results pages (SERP) based on a variety of factors. Digital marketers and webmasters conduct SERP analysis to identify the factors that make a website achieve the top SERP position for website ranks higher on SERP for a particular topic or keyword.

The SERP analysis results help digital marketers refine search engine optimization (SEO) strategies by identifying opportunities to outrank competitors. Many digital marketers conduct SERP analysis as part of keyword research. They further adopt multiple approaches and use various tools while conducting SERP analysis. Our guide to SERP analysis aims to make it easier for beginners to understand the multistep process.

SERP Analysis Goals

According to,

The #1 result in Google’s organic search results has an average (click-through-rate) CTR of 31.7%. Also, the #1 organic result is 10x more likely to receive a click compared to a page in the #10 spot.”

The primary goal of SERP analysis is to identify what makes a website achieve the top SERP position for a specific keyword or topic. Digital marketers these days conduct SERP analysis to boost SEO strategies by gathering a variety of actionable information.

SERP Analysis Process

Digital marketers evaluate and compare the top-ranking websites using different approaches. But SERP analysis, as mentioned earlier, is a multistep process. Digital marketers follow five common steps regardless of the analysis approach or method.

1. Keyword Research

Before analyzing SERP, digital marketers define and list the targeted keywords. The list helps them to identify the keywords for which the website ranks and the keywords for which the website needs to rank. That is why; the comprehensive list includes keywords that are relevant and related to a specific industry. Digital marketers refer to the list to identify the content that ranks higher for each of these keywords. Also, the keywords help them to identify the existing content to be optimized and fresh content to be created.

2. Search Intent Identification

Search engines match content to search queries while displaying results to searchers. That is why; digital marketers need to identify the search intent associated with every keyword. After compiling the targeted keywords, they need to understand what searchers want while entering specific search queries. The understanding will help them to boost the search performance of existing content based on the logic behind the search queries entered by searchers.

3. Competitive Analysis

Digital marketers conduct competitive analysis with the aim to outrank competitors on SERP for specific keywords. But experienced digital marketers understand the difficulty of outranking Wikipedia, Quora, and other internet giants. They skip the keywords if the SERP is dominated by such internet giants. On other hand, they analyze the top-ranking content posted by competitors elaborately to understand what works and find opportunities to optimize the existing content.

4. Ranking Opportunities Search

While conducting competitive analysis, digital marketers always look for ranking opportunities. They find ranking opportunities by identifying keywords not used by competitors and measuring keyword length. They further beat the competition by creating similar content differently and innovatively. Also, digital marketers focus on finding long-tail keywords that are not highly competitive but meet the search intent.

5. Content Optimization

Finally, digital marketers leverage SERP analysis results to boost the search visibility of their website. They boost the website’s search visibility by creating fresh content as well as optimizing existing content. While creating fresh content, they focus on adopting a different approach. On the other hand, they optimize the existing content by embedding additional information, following the latest content trends, and including more relevant keywords. They further boost the content’s search performance by optimizing images by adopting image SEO tips and best practices.

SERP Analysis Metrics

While conducting SERP analysis, digital marketers primarily focus on targeted keywords and search engine ranking factors. But they must evaluate the top-ranking content using a slew of metrics to produce actionable results. Seasoned digital marketers improve the quality of SERP analysis results by incorporating key metrics like

SERP Analysis Tools

Often beginners and experienced marketers have to put in extra time and effort to conduct SERP analysis for multiple keywords. They simplify and speed up the analysis process using SERP analysis tools. In addition to automating the SERP analysis process, the specialized software solutions produce high-quality results using additional metrics. The beginners should consider some of these widely used SERP analysis tools.

SEMrush Position Tracking Tool: This tool facilitates SERP analysis by discovering local and global competitors, monitoring their search engine ranking for targeted keywords, and comparing search performance. Digital marketers can use this tool to track and review the search performance of up to 20 rivals for up to 5000 keywords.

Moz Pro SERP Analysis Tool: This SEO toolkit helps digital marketers to track the search engine ranking of their own website and competitor websites across computers and mobile devices. Users can boost SEO strategies by understanding what is working and what is not working. Likewise, they can uncover gaps and identify opportunities by monitoring the movement of competitors’ websites.

Ahrefs SERP Checker: This online tool supports SERP analysis by analyzing the websites occupying the top 10 SERP positions across 143 countries. In addition to tracking SERP position history, SERP Checker helps users estimate traffic data, assess the ranking difficulty and get detailed SEO statistics. The SEO statistics help them understand what makes competitors rank higher on SERP.

Mangools SERPChecker: It is one of the specialized tools that help users measure the SEO authority of top-ranking websites as well as identify their strengths and weaknesses. SERPChecker uses over 40 SEO metrics to depict the relevance of selected keywords and suggest opportunities to outrank competitors.

Major search engines include new ranking factors and update their search algorithms frequently. That is why; digital marketers need to make SERP analysis an ongoing process. They can leverage SERP analysis tools to evaluate the top-ranking website elaborately using multiple metrics. Also, the tools make it easier for digital marketers to refine SEO strategies by providing actionable information.

SEO or search engine optimization is arguably one of the most essential and confusing digital methods for growing your business. Even if you receive training as an SEO specialist, the skills you need to perform SEO tasks are varied and require you to be both innovative and technical.

Whether you’re trying to get a broader understanding of how to create interesting content or comprehend response codes for your server, SEO execution can be overwhelming. However, SEO is a vital part of your online marketing strategy and you should find the most effective ways to incorporate SEO into your company.

Like most other digital marketing tactics, SEO is evolving constantly. This means that there are outdated methods for SEO that you should avoid when you want to move your business forward. Here are a few bad SEO practices your company should get rid of.

Bad SEO Practices Businesses Should Avoid

Over-Prioritizing Keywords

Research pertaining to keywords is often considered the foundation of SEO. It’s important to create content that features the terms and keywords that your target demographic is searching for. However, if you use these keywords too much, your SEO strategy could be negatively affected. For instance, if you run a law firm, you’ll like to want to use law firm SEO terms like “attorney,” “personal injury,” or “free consultation. Just be sure to evenly distribute these phrases so your content reads clearly and comes off as informative and authentic.

When you use keywords in unnatural ways or when users can tell that your keywords don’t complement the rest of your site content, this could deter customers from using your products and services. The user experience should be your priority so make sure your content is easy to read and informative.

Google is one of the best examples of a search engine that operates on semantic search. This means the search leans more toward the content of the searcher rather than the exact words typed into the search bar. This allows Google to deliver search results that are relevant to a term the user is searching for instead of a precise match. As a business owner, you should concentrate less on including specific keywords on your home page and landing pages and more on key phrases that will point potential customers in the right direction.

As Google rolls out its new algorithm change, it will be more important than ever to focus on the quality of the content you provide rather than using as many keywords as possible or ones that organically do not make sense to the type of content you are writing. You will also want to avoid a concept called keyword stuffing. This is when you overuse a keyword or multiple keywords throughout the text. Google’s algorithm can detect this and it will not be favorable to your content.

Remember, make sure the keywords you use are relevant to your consumer’s search query, are not overused, and that your content informatively answers the consumer’s inquiry.

Creating a Landing Page for Every Keyword Variation

Instead of focusing on an SEO experience that is positive for the consumer, older SEO tactics include creating separate landing pages for every variation of the company’s main keywords. For instance, consider the following keywords: dinner, easy dinner, easy vegan dinner. In the past, SEO specialists would have created separate landing pages for every search term. This usually led to an unfavorable user experience since potential consumers often had a hard time finding the exact product or service they wanted.

Again, Google has changed the way companies execute SEO in this regard. Google offers precedence to pages that cater to the intent of the searcher. This allows you to get rid of web pages that don’t serve your customers. In the example of the keywords above, it would be best to create one product image for easy vegan dinners that include all of the above-mentioned keywords. The interests and needs of the consumer are the same so it would be more efficient for you to create a single landing page that informs the customer about what you have to offer.

Publishing Too Much Content

Now that content is such an important part of ranking your company website, you may feel that you have to fill all the pages of your website with extensive content. However, this doesn’t necessarily increase organic traffic. Consumers may begin to think that your business lacks substance and the abundance of content could make your website look low-quality. When your website has a lot of low-quality content, search engines can perceive it as spam which will make people less likely to visit your site.

Keep in mind that more content doesn’t mean you’ll get more traffic. All the content on your site should have a specific purpose. If you can’t pinpoint where certain content should be on your website, it’s best to leave it off.

Make sure you are relevant in the type of content you are creating. If you are a health site, posting an article about business tech would be irrelevant. However, an article on telehealth services might. Consider if the article would be useful to your audience.

You should also avoid “spun content”. Spun content is using a robot to rewrite a previous article on your site to produce another article that is worded differently but with the same information. Your website visitors will notice this and think your site is spammy. Google’s bots do not like this either.

Implement Great SEO Practices

Having a strong SEO strategy for your website will pay off in the long run. These are just a few of the things your company should avoid when you’re trying to produce engaging content that is easy to find. Ensuring that your site’s content is a professional representation of your company can boost your business’ reputation, protect you from legal battles and increase your client base. Do as much research as you can on what strategies you should implement and what you should avoid. This will set up your site for success.

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He is a leader who has ’empathy’ as the core competency.

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His knowledge on Web Analytics is commendable and he used this information in each and every step,

Amit Mallick
Technology Leader