Digital Marketing Strategies to increase Brand Awareness

Digital Marketing Strategies to increase Brand Awareness Digital Marketing Strategies to increase Brand Awareness

Businesses from various sectors have to focus extensively on building brand awareness while reviving an old brand and promoting a new brand. As a commonly used marketing term, brand awareness can be defined in a variety of ways. Decision-makers can answer three important questions by building brand awareness.

  • How familiar the potential customers are with the brand?
  • How well the potential customers recognize the brand?
  • And, how easily the potential customers can remember and recall the brand?

Brand awareness helps businesses to make their products or services stand out from their competitors. No business can boost sales, promote customer loyalty, and curtail marketing costs without building brand awareness. Every business these days has the option to build brand awareness using both conventional and digital marketing strategies.

Why Businesses Adopt Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Brand Awareness?

A large percentage of businesses these days launch digital marketing campaigns with the aim of building brand awareness and maintaining brand health.

According to Altimeter’s 2019 State of Digital Marketing Report,

Brand awareness (37%) was cited as the top goal of digital marketing, followed by lead generation (26%) and customer experience (20%).

There are several reasons why businesses build brand awareness through digital marketing strategies instead of conventional marketing strategies.

  • 55.9% of the global population uses the internet actively
  • Consistent increase in global online content consumption
  • Reach customers across geographies
  • Reach out to prospects and customers through multiple digital marketing channels
  • Send targeted and personalized messages to every customer
  • Get actionable insights by interacting with prospects
  • Option to measure and boost the performance of individual digital marketing campaigns
  • Opportunities for small businesses to compete with large businesses without escalating marketing costs

Hence, every business can build brand awareness by choosing the right digital marketing channels and implementing the right digital marketing strategies.

What Digital Marketing Strategies Businesses Implement to Build Brand Awareness?

A business can build and increase brand awareness only by making more customers aware of the brand. That is why; entrepreneurs and marketers reach out to customers through multiple digital marketing channels to boost brand awareness. However, every digital marketing channel has its own strengths and shortcomings. Hence, no business can build brand awareness successfully without implementing multiple digital marketing strategies.

Website Branding

When a business decides to build brand awareness using digital marketing, it becomes essential to redesign its website. The business needs to ensure that the website delivers a seamless user experience on various devices. Also, it must boost the website’s user experience to distinguish the brand. However, the website branding must boost recognition by combining the logo, appropriate color scheme, and fonts. The marketers can perform A/B testing to ensure that the revamped website depicts and distinguishes the brand by keeping visitors engaged.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is common for marketers to create brand awareness using effective SEO strategies like content optimization, link building, and internal linking. These SEO strategies boost brand awareness by increasing organic website traffic from search engines. A digital marketer can create brand awareness and control brand perception by including the most valuable keywords in the content. Likewise, she can complement the valuable and optimized content with high-quality backlinks to make more customers aware of the brand by leveraging the massive popularity of search engines.

Content Marketing

B2B marketers often launch content marketing campaigns to make decision-makers aware of a brand. They make customers learn about the brand by creating and distributing a variety of digital content – articles, blogs, whitepapers, infographics, and videos. The branded content helps businesses to answer most of the questions potential customers ask about a new brand. Also, the unique and valuable content makes the decision-makers trust a new brand and influence their purchase decision gradually. However, the outcome of content marketing campaigns always depends on the effectiveness of content in driving real engagement.

Email Marketing

Many entrepreneurs still believe that email marketing campaigns are effective only in driving sales conversions. But digital marketers these days run email marketing campaigns with the aim of building and nurturing relationships with customers. In addition to acquiring new customers, email marketing helps businesses make them consider a new brand. However, a business can build brand awareness by sending emails only by adding new email IDs and categorizing email IDs regularly. At the same time, the content creators must focus on key aspects of the email – the brand’s personality, tone of voice, and call to action.

Video Marketing

According to the video marketing statistics compiled by Invideo,

9 out of 10 viewers said that they wanted to see more videos from brands and businesses.” 

The consistent increase in online video consumption creates opportunities for businesses to build brand awareness by uploading brand videos. A business can easily create brand awareness by uploading videos regularly to a popular video-sharing platform like YouTube. However, marketers need to ensure that the videos make customers consider and trust a new brand by providing relevant information and answering commonly asked questions. Here are a few video marketing strategies to boost your business.

Social Media Marketing

The average daily social media usage of internet users has been increasing consistently Hence, businesses leverage popular social networking platforms to build and boost brand awareness. Social media created opportunities for businesses to reach customers online and make them aware of the brand. A business can create brand awareness on social networks by posting a variety of content – posts, images, and videos. The content helps businesses to enhance brand recognition as well as create brand advocates. However, the social media marketing strategy must focus on responding to comments posted by customers proactively along with posting fresh content regularly.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

The online advertisement model supported by search engines and social networks allows businesses to build brand awareness by placing ads for a fee. However, the business is required to pay only when a user clicks on the online ads. Many businesses these days leverage these paid ads to create brand awareness by diverting users to dedicated landing pages after they click on the ads. The dedicated landing page makes the visitor learn about the brand as well as seduce her to place an order by offering coupons, deals, or discounts.

Influencer Marketing

Many companies these days build brand awareness in a cost-efficient way through influencers. Unlike other digital marketing campaigns, influencer marketing makes customers aware of a brand through word-of-mouth. However, an influencer can make many dedicated social media followers aware of a brand in several ways – promoting blogs, creating engaging content, and running contests. However, the outcome of this form of social media marketing directly depends on choosing the right influencer. Also, marketers must track the impact and engagement of the content posted by the influencer on popular social networks.

Public Relations (PR)

As a conventional marketing strategy, public relations (PR) differs from various digital marketing strategies in many aspects. However, many businesses add PR to their digital marketing strategies to build brand awareness sustaining relationships with customers. PR strategies focus on creating content on various topics customers care about. Hence, customers learn about a brand while reading relevant and valuable content. While running PR campaigns, marketers focus extensively on gaining positive media coverage related to a product, service, or brand. Also, they digitize PR campaigns by publishing guest blogs, leadership articles, and social media posts.


Businesses find it easier to build brand awareness by targeting the customers who have visited their websites. Remarketing or retargeting, unlike other digital marketing strategies, helps businesses to serve ads to customers who have visited their websites. The retargeting ads are displayed to customers based on their previous online behavior. Hence, these ads create brand awareness strategically by enhancing brand reach and recall. Both search engines and social networks make it easier for businesses to create brand awareness by displaying remarketing ads.

Referral Programs

Referral programs help businesses to create brand awareness through word-of-mouth. While planning referral programs, marketers focus on converting loyal customers into brand advocates. Many consumers trust a brand recommended by their friends, family, or coworkers. Hence, referral programs boost brand awareness through customers who trust the brand. However, referral programs must create brand advocates by offering rewards in terms of discounts and deals. The rewards will motivate existing customers to help businesses acquire new customers as well as create brand awareness.

Tracking and Refining

 Search engines update their algorithms regularly to boost the search experience. Likewise, social networking platforms change their algorithms to boost user experience. Also, digital marketing trends change from time to time. That is why; tracking and measuring the performance of digital marketing campaigns are essential to sustain brand awareness. When a business can monitor various digital marketing campaigns it can get actionable insights required to reach and engage more relevant customers. They can further build brand awareness continuously by refining specific digital marketing campaigns.

Unlike conventional marketing strategies, digital marketing strategies help businesses to build brand awareness in a cost-efficient and measurable way. That is why; a significant percentage of businesses these days launch digital marketing campaigns to create brand awareness. However, every digital marketing strategy has its own strengths and weaknesses. A business can build and boost brand awareness only by implementing the right digital marketing strategies.

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