Monumetric vs Mediavine

Monumetric vs Mediavine Monumetric vs Mediavine

Advertisement networks create opportunities for content creators and publishers to earn recurring income by connecting with brands and advertisers. They help brands promote their products and services by identifying relevant websites and best-suited ad spaces.

At the same time, they help content creators earn passive income from their websites. In addition to monetizing their websites, ad networks manage various ads effectively. Hence, it becomes easier for bloggers to focus extensively on creating and optimizing content.

While monetizing your website, you have the option to choose from many leading ad networks, including Mediavine and Monumetric. Both Monumetric and Mediavine are popular with bloggers as Google Ad Sense alternatives.

Monumetric aims to act as the brands’ full-service ad revenue partner. It currently runs four ad monetization programs – Apollo, Stratos, Ascend, and Propel. Mediavine is a full-service ad revenue management platform. It currently provides three ad monetization tools – Grow, Trellis, and Create.

However, the popular ad networks differ from each other in many aspects. We are making it easier for you to monetize your website by discussing and differentiating between Monumetric and Mediavine.

Overview of Monumetric

In 2012, Monumetric was started with the aim to provide bloggers with ad solutions that favor website owners. At present, the ad network helps content creators and publishers monetize a variety of websites – blogs, content websites, digital platforms, and publisher networks.

Monumetric currently runs four ad monetization programs – Apollo, Stratos, Ascend, and Propel. Apollo Program helps owners monetize professional websites by getting in-person assistance, sharing data-driven insights, and providing a custom reporting dashboard.

Stratos Program is designed to monetize professional websites that engage in direct sales activities or use custom servers, ad setup, or CMS systems. Ascent Program allows website owners to from a slew of featured desktop and mobile ad types.

Propel Program helps owners monetize websites that will evolve into full-time businesses over some time. However, the eligibility criteria for joining each of these monetization programs vary according to the website’s monthly page views. You can find the detailed Monumetric review here.

Overview of Mediavine

In 2004, Mediavine was founded with the aim of helping content creators build sustainable businesses. The ad network helps content creators maximize earnings by providing ad technology, plugins, and educational tools.

In addition to working with premium ad partners, Mediavine focuses on dynamic ad placement without any impact on site speed.  At present, Mediavine helps content creators boost website performance and increase ad revenue by providing three premium tools – Grow, Trellis, and Create.

Grow is an audience engagement solution. It helps content creators engage website visitors by boosting various performance metrics. Trellis is a speed-optimized WordPress framework. Content creators can use Trellis as a WordPress theme.

They can leverage the framework to boost user experiences by building faster and lighter websites. Create is designed as a specialized plugin for bakers, markers, and adventurers. They can leverage the plugin to optimize websites for search engines by crafting multiple Google schema types. You can find the detailed Mediavine review here.

Monumetric vs Mediavine: Key Differences

Ad Unit Support

Both Mediavine and Monumetric allow you to display a variety of ad units on your website. Mediavine allows you to choose from banner displays, in-content ads, embedded ads, and interstitial ads. It further ensures that ads look good on both computers and mobile devices. In addition, it allows you to use a distinct ad format called Inview that displays ads on top of a web page as the reader scrolls down.

At the same time, Monumetric allows you to choose from leaderboard ads, skyscapper ads, half-page ads, mobile leadership ads, in-image ads, in-screen ads, out-stream videos, editorial videos, and video pillar ads. It further allows you to monetize third-party videos using a proprietary video player called VOLT. VOLT shows external websites to readers according to your niche.

Monthly Traffic Requirements

You can join the monetization programs run by Mediavine only when your website has 50,000 monthly sessions. The ad network will scrutinize the monthly sessions elaborately to ensure that there is no bot traffic and malicious activities. However, you can join Monumetric if your website has more than 10,000 page views.

Monumetric allows you to choose from four monetization programs. The monthly page view requirements vary across monetization programs. For instance, you can join the Propel Program if your monthly page views are between 10,000 and 80,000.

The Ascent Program requires you to have monthly page views between 80,000 and 500,000. Likewise, you need 500,000 to 10 million page views to join the Stratos Program and more than 10 million page views to join the Apollo program. Hence, you have to choose the ad monetization option according to your website’s monthly traffic.

Startup Fees

Mediavine allows applicants to monetize their websites without paying any startup charges. But Monumetric requires applicants to pay $99 as startup fees if the website has less than 80,000 page views per month. The company utilizes the startup fees to set up ad services and find the best-suited advertisers for the website.

Working with Other Ad Networks

Monumetric currently does not monetize websites that work with other ad networks. It further rejects websites that have been rejected by Google AdSense. On the other hand, Mediavine prioritizes websites that have a good standing with Google AdSense. It further analyzes website traffic using Google Analytics.

Hence, you must not work with any other ad network before applying for Monumetric. But you need to monetize your website using Google AdSense to increase your chances of joining Mediavine. Also, you cannot work with third-party ad networks after joining Monumetric or Mediavine.

Ad Revenue Sharing

Mediavine retains 25% of ad revenue and shares 75% of ad revenue with publishers. Also, the ad network is transparent about the percentage of ad revenue it shares with publishers. On the other hand, Monumetric has not revealed the percentage of ad revenue it shares with publishers.

Many analysts believe that Monumetric retains 15% to 30% of the ad revenue. However, you must remember that the ad revenue generated by a website differs based on several factors, including niche, content publishing frequency, and advertisers.

Ad Revenue per Thousand Impressions (RPM)

The amount of money you will receive will vary according to every 1000 impressions the ads receive. Hence, you must use RPM as a key parameter for comparing Monumetric to Mediavine. Many bloggers joining Monumetric have stated that the average RMP ranges between $5 and $20.

At the same time, the bloggers joining Mediavine earn more as the RPM ranges from $10 to $25. Also, Mediavine boosts earnings by displaying ads on sidebars and page bottom without impacting the page’s loading speed and user experience.


Both Mediavine and Monumetric support multiple payment methods. Mediavine allows you to choose from two payment methods – PayPal and bank transfers. On the other hand, Monumetric currently supports two payment methods – ACH, PayPal, and wire transfer.

But their payment policies differ. At present, Monumetric pays on a net 60 basis, while Mediavine pays on a net 65 basis. Mediavine makes payment on the 5th of every month, while Mediavine makes payment between the 5th and 25th of every month.

In addition, Mediavine has set the minimum payment threshold at $ 25, whereas Monumetric currently has no minimum payment threshold. The differences in payment policies will impact how much and when you will receive ad revenue.


Both Monumetric and Mediavine help you track page views, ad earnings, and RPM by providing intuitive dashboards. The dashboard provided by Monumetric does not provide content publishers with additional control options. Also, the ad network does not enable them to access real-time information by delaying reporting.

However, the dashboard provided by Mediavine helps publishers monitor site health and track ad earnings by reporting frequently. Also, publishers can use the dashboard to control what types of ads will appear and what devices the ads should be optimized for.

The additional information and ad settings make the Mediavine score over Monumetric in the category of dashboards. Mediavine dashboard helps publishers boost earnings by working on websites and ads.

Site Speed

The loading speed of a website these days impacts its user experience and search engine visibility. Both Monumetric and Mediavine focus on loading ads without impacting site speed. However, Monumetric does not allow publishers to decide how ads will load on the website. Mediavine helps publishers decide how the ads will load by providing two options – asynchronous loading and lazy loading.

When a publisher chooses asynchronous loading, Mediavine loads content and ads separately. Hence, visitors can access website content while the ad is being loaded. Mediavine loads ads only when a visitor scrolls down the web page when a publisher opts for lazy loading.


Both Mediavine and Monumetric provide excellent customer service and support. The customer support team at Mediavine replies to emails as early as possible. Also, Mediavine helps publishers resolve issues and answer questions by creating an active Facebook group.

However, Monumetric enables publishers to interact with human customer support executives. Hence, it becomes easier for publishers to resolve urgent issues and answer crucial questions by getting personal support. In addition, the team at Monumetric replies to emails within 24 hours.


You can consider Monumetric or Mediavine as popular alternatives to Google Ads. You can join Monumetric if your website has 10,000 monthly page views. Likewise, you can join Mediavine if your website has 50,000 monthly sessions. Hence, you can have to attract and engage visitors over some time to join Mediavine.

Mediavine shares 75% of ad revenue with content creators, while Monumetric shares 70% to 80% of ad revenue with bloggers. The information shared by various bloggers suggests that Mediavine helps them earn more than Monumetric. However, you should not forget to consider other ad networks and blog monetization options while comparing Monumetric and Mediavine.

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