The Basic WordPress SEO Tips and Tricks Every Website Owner Should Know

While building a website, website owners and web developers have the option to choose from a wide range of content management systems (CMS). However, a large percentage of website owners and developers opt for WordPress to reduce website development time and cost.


In 2023, individuals and enterprises will promote their websites through many digital marketing channels – search engines, social media, emails, display ads, and paid advertisements. But search engines are more effective in diverting organic and trackable traffic to websites than other digital marketing channels.

According to Search Engine Journal,

53%: The percentage of all trackable website traffic that comes from organic search.

Also, search engine optimization (SEO), unlike other digital marketing strategies, diverts traffic to websites organically and regularly over a period of time. That is why; companies and startups have been spending more and more on SEO services. You can easily divert search traffic to your websites regularly by implementing SEO strategies or availing of SEO services in 2023.

But you must remember that major search engines like Google change search algorithms around 500 to 600 times every year. Also, they add new ranking factors regularly to deliver the most relevant search results to searchers. That is why; you have to focus on a slew of factors while making and implementing SEO strategies in 2023.

WordPress is one of the content management systems (CMS) that help you to optimize your website for search engines without putting in extra time and effort. But you must prepare an elaborate WordPress SEO checklist to divert and grow your WordPress website’s organic traffic. You can refer to the SEO checklist to optimize web pages and blog posts according to the latest search engine guidelines and emerging SEO trends.

While preparing the WordPress SEO checklist for 2023, you must cover important SEO activities like on-page SEO, off-page SEO, keyword research, content optimization, and link building. Also, you must make the checklist more effective by including SEO tips and best practices. However, it is also important to keep the SEO checklist flexible enough to finetune SEO techniques and adopt SEO trends quickly and effortlessly.

WordPress SEO Checklist for 2023: 17 Practical Tips and Best Practices

1) Enable Search Engines to Crawl and Index

WordPress’s clear and simple source code makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index websites. But WordPress allows users to prevent search engines from crawling and indexing a website by disabling the search engine visibility option. While implementing SEO strategies, you must allow search engine bots to crawl and index your WordPress website effortlessly by making relevant changes in the robots.txt file.

2) Install the Right SEO Plugin

While preparing WordPress SEO checklists, webmasters and digital marketers often opt for the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress – Yoast SEO. Yoast is one of the mature SEO plugins that are used widely to optimize various websites. However, you have the option to choose from many new-age SEO plugins for WordPress. It is always important to spend some time choosing the best SEO plugin for your WordPress website. That is why; you must compare various WordPress SEO plugins using important parameters like features, compatibility, security, speed, and update frequency.

3) Make URLs Search Engine Friendly

Google recommends webmasters make bots crawl web pages without consuming more bandwidth by keeping the URL short and simple. While optimizing a post or page in 2023, you must check its URL to ensure that it does not contain unsafe characters. Also, you must keep the URL readable by replacing blank spaces with underscores and using either uppercase or lowercase. However, you must not forget to include the focus keyword in the URL while optimizing it according to search engine guidelines.

4) Use HTML Headings Accurately and Strategically

Accurate usage of heading tags (H1 to H6) is one of the key elements of on-page SEO strategies. Every heading tag conveys important information about your WordPress website clearly to the search engines. For instance, the H1 tag makes the search engine understand what the page post or page is about, while the H2 tag conveys information about a particular section on the web page. Every WordPress theme handles headers in a different way. That is why; you must review the page’s source code to ensure that the header tags are used accurately.

5) Identify and Find Relevant Keywords

Selection and optimization of keywords must be one of the key elements of your WordPress SEO checklist for 2023. You can accelerate keyword research using the options included in WordPress SEO plugins. Also, you can find long-tail keywords using Google Suggest and use Google Keyword Planner to find relevant and related keywords. However, you must not leverage social media and online forums to find fresh and untapped keywords. The information and trends collected from multiple online sources will help you to find the most relevant keywords.

6) Use and Include Relevant Keywords

After conducting keyword research, you have to optimize a page or post by including the focus keyword and secondary keywords strategically. Your WordPress SEO checklist needs to ensure that you include the focus keyword in the URL, title tag, tag modifiers, and H1 tag. Also, you must include the focus keyword in the first 100 to 150 words of the content. At the same time, you must use secondary keywords strategically in header tags. However, you must review and edit the content to ensure that the keywords are placed naturally and not stuffed.

7) Add Structured Data Strategically

In addition to improving the search experience, structured data make search engines understand a web page or blog post clearly. Major search engines these days boost the search experience by displaying structured data on SERPs in the form of rich snippets. You can boost the search visibility of a post or page by adding a variety of rich snippets – products, reviews, courses, recipes, events, how-to, businesses and organizations, and reviews and ratings. You can add structured data or rich snippets to a web page using WordPress plugins or structured data markup.

8) Analyze and Optimize Content

Your WordPress SEO checklist must focus on optimizing content for both search engines and searchers. You can attract and engage website visitors only by posting fresh, insightful, and readable content with no spelling or grammatical mistakes. At the same time, you need to optimize the page or post for search engines by keeping the content scannable and embedding keywords naturally. You can easily analyze the SEO-friendliness of the content using a slew of WordPress SEO plugins and online writing assistants. These tools help you to post SEO-friendly content by making changes and fixing mistakes.

9) Define the Page Title Clearly

Search engines display a web page’s title in the form of a clickable headline on SERPs. They display the page title in around 60 to 70 characters. That is why; you must focus on creating a page title that is short and contextual. While defining a page title in the H1 tag, you need to ensure that the page title conveys the nature and context of the title clearly to both search engines and searchers. At the same time, you must make the title SEO-friendly by including the focus keyword. It is always important to spend time creating a compelling page title and optimizing it for search engines.

10) Write and Finetune Meta Description

Unlike page titles, the meta description is not a search engine ranking factor. But searchers will decide about clicking on the page title only after reading the meta description appearing on SERPS. While writing a meta description, you should restrict its length to 160 characters. You still need to ensure that the meta description provides the searchers with a summary of the content. Also, you must not forget to optimize the meta description for SEO by embedding relevant keywords strategically. Here is a quick guide on meta description SEO best practices.

11) Create Internal Links

In your WordPress SEO checklist for 2023, you must focus on the web page’s internal and external link structure. Unlike external links, internal links can be created easily and organically by connecting the new web page to existing web pages. But you can boost a web page’s search visibility only by creating contextual internal links by connecting relevant and related web pages. At the same time, you must restrict the number of internal links to avoid passing excessive link juice. You can easily boost the web page’s internal link structure by adopting some simple best practices.

12) Build External Links to High Domain Authority Sites

Along with creating the internal link structure, you must focus on building high-quality external links using white-hat SEO techniques. While posting blogs, you must explore ways to link the web page to a relevant website with high domain authority. The external links must help readers to gather additional information related to your page or post. The leading SEO experts will advise you to include at least two external links to high-domain authority sites in a single page or post. However, you still need to ensure that the linked web page opens in a new tab when the reader clicks on the external link.

Here are some off-page SEO techniques for aspiring marketers.

13) Check and Maintain Keyword Density

Like keyword stuffing, higher keyword density often impacts a web page’s search performance directly. While optimizing the content and web page, you must focus on maintaining the right keyword density. The keyword density percentage recommended by individual bloggers and digital marketers differs. But you can easily check and modify keyword density using a WordPress SEO plugin. Most SEO plugins for WordPress help you to know the current keyword density along with making suggestions and recommendations.

14) Complement Text with Images and Videos

You can easily boost a web page’s search performance by leveraging the SEO benefits of images and videos. The multimedia content will help you to keep the visitors engaged. At the same time, you can easily boost your page or post’s SEO by optimizing the images and videos. However, it is important to choose and include multimedia content that complements the topic of the article or blog perfectly. Also, you can use images and videos to help readers understand complex concepts and analyze diverse information while reading the textual content.

15) Optimize Every Image for Search Engines

WordPress is one of the CMSs that comes with built-in options to help users handle and optimize images. While embedding images, pictures, or graphics into textual content, you need to ensure that the web page’s loading speed is not impacted. In addition to choosing the right image format, you must compress the image before uploading. At the same time, it is also important to optimize the images for search engines through the ALT tag. You can use the ALT tag to include the relevant keywords in the image description, along with keeping the image caption compelling. Here are some image SEO tips for savvy digital marketers.

16) Conduct Regular SEO Audits

The search visibility and performance of every WordPress website vary from time to time based on a variety of factors. You cannot boost your website’s search performance consistently without fixing the issues and factors impacting its performance. You can easily identify the issues affecting your website’s search visibility using a slew of SEO audit tools and plugins. Most of these tools and plugins help you to identify SEO lists without putting in extra time and effort. Your WordPress SEO checklist must focus on making SEO audit an ongoing activity in 2023.

17) Boost Your Website’s User Experience

In 2023, no webmaster can boost her WordPress website’s search visibility without improving its user experience (UX).

According to Search Engine Land,

Think of the partnership of SEO and UX this way: SEO targets search engines, and UX targets your website’s visitors. Both share a common goal of giving users the best experience.

While implementing SEO strategies, you must focus on key factors that impact the website’s user experience directly – loading speed, mobile accessibility, and site navigability. It is always advisable to test and boost your website’s UX before starting SEO.

The WordPress SEO checklist will make it easier for you to optimize web pages and blog posts in 2023. But you cannot boost lead generation and lead conversion without reviewing and updating the SEO checklist for WordPress websites from time to time. It is always important to keep the WordPress SEO checklist for 2023 flexible and dynamic enough to adopt SEO changes and trends proactively.

This article was republished in January 2023.

Want to know what copywriting is? Well, you have landed in the right place; in this comprehensive guide, we are going to tell you all about SEO copywriting and also about the best tools that can assist you in it.

First, you must know that copywriting is very important for every business that wants to build connections and make more sales. 

Copywriting is actually the type of content that entices a reader to perform an action, particularly a purchase. SEO copywriting is quite similar; let us discuss it in detail:

What is SEO Copywriting?

SEO Copywriting is actually a unique way of creating a combination of content that drives traffic and intrigues a reader to take action (subscribing, purchasing, clicking, etc.); usually, this type of writing can be found in promotional blogs, websites, and on e-commerce stores. 

SEO COPYWRITING is very much different from that of COPYWRITING. The main purpose of copywriting is to promote products through content in such a way that the reader converts into a potential buyer.

On the other hand, SEO copywriting is focused on generating targeted traffic for conversions and sales. 

On the basis of SEO copywriting principles, one can create content for:

SEO Copywriting Tips for Beginners:

Search engine optimization is not easy, especially for people who have less knowledge and experience about it. Here we have discussed some of the most important tips that can help you with SEO copywriting:

1.    Do Proper Keyword Research

In SEO copywriting, the most important thing is keyword research. Without the use of keywords, SEO copywriting is incomplete.

Keyword research is a complicated task, but you can make it easy with online keyword finder and suggestion tools. 

Before starting the keyword research process, you have to make a list of terms that you think your target audience would use to find your brand/products/services.

You need to find relevant keywords to those terms.

2.    Optimize Titles & Heading Tags

Metadata is an important element when it comes to search engine optimization. Metadata is actually the information that is used by the search engine to understand who your target audience is and what is the purpose of your content and page.

It includes a meta title, description, title tags, and headers in the content. You must try and include keywords in metadata and keep it under the max length given by Google. Here is a guide on meta descriptions and their importance to SEO.

3.    Adjust Keywords Naturally

In SEO copywriting, you have to make sure that the keywords you add in your drafts are adjusted in an extremely natural way.

If the keywords are placed in irrelevant places and without context, then it is simply going to piss off the search engine as well as the target audience. Readability is a very important factor in SEO.

So you need to make sure that your written material is pleasing to the readers. Only add keywords where they make sense and can entice an action.

4.    Include CTA in Content 

As we have told you before, the main goal and purpose of SEO copywriting are to drive traffic and turn them into leads and, finally, sales.

This cannot be done without proper call-to-actions. CTA is the only thing that can turn a reader into a lead that would finally buy something from your page.

Always make sure that the CTA is clear, concise, and actionable. A reader should know what action you expect from them before they click.

5.    Use Backlinks in Content 

Another point to keep in mind while SEO copywriting is to create backlinks. These are directory links that can drive traffic from other sites to yours.

Getting links from high authority and relevant websites is very important as it can take your site to the top search results. The better position you would have in the search results, the more customers you will get.

6.    Ensure High-Quality Content

SEO copywriting helps you win more sales. High-quality content is very important if you want to see your brand in the top search results.

Content that is free of plagiarism and other human errors would always be ranked higher by the search engine. You need to make sure that your content is well-structured, visually enhanced, and has credible information in it.

Three Best Tools for SEO Copywriting 

Out of dozens of online tools, we have mentioned the top three ones that can assist you in SEO copywriting:


The online notepad is a very important tool for copywriters. The tool can be used for taking notes and making lists during the research phase in copywriting.

You can write down the search terms being used by your target customers on the notepad and can find relevant keywords against them. The online notepad is considered to be the perfect research assistant because it has a search bar in its header. 

Users can enter the possible search terms/queries in the search bar and get results from Google. The notepad’s search bar can be used to find out relevant results and keywords which are commonly used by competitors. 

Research is very important in SEO copywriting. You have to find out keywords that are related to the possible search terms being used by your target audience.

The notepad can help you search and write down all important keywords that you can use in your descriptions, messages, metadata, and in other content copies.

The notepad is free to use, and you don’t have to worry about any restrictions or limitations while using it.

Buzz Sumo

Buzz Sumo is another tool for SEO copywriting. The main function of this tool is to find trending topics that would intrigue your target audience.

You can find topics that are popularly being searched by audiences. Not only can you get new content ideas, but this tool also helps you monitor content being published by your competitors. 

You can find out what kind of content is being published by your competitors and how much traffic they are gaining from it. Other than this feature, you can also use buzz summon to audit your content.

The tool can help you identify posts that have performed well and have helped you get the most sales.

By gathering this information, marketers can easily repurpose their content and generate more leads.


Grammarly is another important tool for SEO copywriters. Grammarly is quite popular among most people related to the content writing fraternity.

The main purpose of this tool is to find out human errors in content. Not only does it find mistakes, but it also fixes them with the best possible solutions.

SEO copywriting, as we have told you earlier, should be free of human errors and plagiarism. Well, Grammarly can be used to check out the quality of content and whether it is unique or not.

Other than checking and preventing human errors, the tool can be used to check plagiarism.

Writers can easily improve the quality of their content and remove plagiarism with the help of Grammarly. It is available in both free and paid versions. Moreover, it provides extensions for Word and Google docs. 

End Words

The tips and tools we have discussed in this post can help you a lot in automating your workflow. Other than that, you can get complete assistance in search engine optimization.

An important point that you need to know is that these three tools can surely streamline your work, but they cannot replace your personal value. So make sure you put personal effort into making your SEO copywriting effective!

In addition to being an SEO-friendly content management system (CMS), WordPress allows you to choose from many SEO plugins. The market share data published by Datanyze suggest Yoast SEO is currently more popular than other SEO plugins for WordPress with a market share of 42.9%. But many new-age SEO plugins have been gaining market share by helping webmasters and digital marketers overcome some of the major shortcomings of Yoast SEO. Rank Math plugin has been challenging the dominance of Yoast SEO by providing additional features and utilities. You have the option to choose from four distinct versions of Rank Math SEO – free, pro, business, and agency. The free version of Rank Math SEO scores over many free WordPress SEO plugins by offering additional features. There are a number of reasons why you should opt for Rank Math SEO while implementing SEO strategies.

11 Reasons Why You Should Prefer Rank Math SEO to Other WordPress SEO Plugins

1. A Modular Framework

Like other popular SEO plugins, Rank Math plugin allows you to choose from many modules. But Rank Math plugin, unlike other widely-used plugins, features a modular framework. The modular framework enables you to disable unnecessary modules according to your SEO strategy. Also, you can easily boost your website’s search performance and user experience by enabling only necessary modules.

2. Keep Your Website’s Speed Intact

WordPress SEO plugins with longer lines of code impact your website’s loading speed directly. The decline in loading speed impacts your website’s user experience and search visibility simultaneously. Often webmasters explore ways to speed up WordPress websites. Rank Math is a lightweight WordPress plugin that sends less number of PHP requests. Hence, the speed of your WordPress website remained intact after Rank Math installation.

3. Optimize Unlimited Keywords

Most free SEO plugins for WordPress allow you to optimize a single website. But you can optimize unlimited keywords using the free version of Rank Math plugin. Hence, you can optimize multiple keywords without escalating SEO costs. The unlimited keyword optimization makes Rank SEO Score over both free and premium WordPress SEO plugins.

4. Get LSI Suggestions

While conducting keyword research, you have to focus on finding words related to the primary keyword – Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords. Rank Math SEO suggests LSI keywords automatically based on your primary keyword. Hence, you can find relevant LSI keywords while creating and optimizing content for search engines. You can further get additional keyword suggestions by connecting the Rank Math SEO account to Google.

5. Simplify Content Analysis

Content analysis is one of the key features of WordPress SEO plugins. But each plugin presents the content analysis reports in a distinct way. Many popular SEO plugins depict content readability and SEO as either good or bad. Hence, you need to put in extra time and effort to optimize the content by identifying errors and issues. Rank Math SEO simplifies the content analysis by assigning an SEO score out of 100. You need not optimize the content if the SEO score is more than 80.

6.  Add Different Types of Schema

While creating content and posts, you need to add schema markups to make Google display rich snippets on SERPs. Rank Math SEO is one of the SEO plugins that integrate schema markups to your site automatically. Both free and premium versions of Rank Math support a variety of schemas – article schema, person schema, product schema, service schema, local business schema, book schema, music schema, review schema, and how-to schema.

7. Implement Image SEO

While optimizing an article, blog post, or web page for search engines, you have to put in extra time and effort to optimize images. Rank Math plugin, unlike similar plugins, makes it easier for you to implement image SEO by adding alt tags to multiple images automatically. You can further use this plugin to add all attributes to various images without adding alt tags. Likewise, you can change settings to add title and caption attributes to images dynamically and automatically.

8. Conduct SEO Analysis

The search visibility of websites is impacted by a variety of issues. You cannot implement an SEO strategy successfully without identifying and fixing the issues affecting your website’s search performance. Rank Math SEO analyzes your website elaborately by performing over 70 tests. It further displays your website’s SEO score, along with passed tests, failed tests, and warnings. You can easily boost your WordPress website’s search performance by working on the failed tests and warnings.

9. Do Various Redirects

Most free and premium SEO plugins for WordPress lack built-in features to do redirects. But Rank Math plugin simplifies redirects by featuring an advanced redirection manager. You can use the redirection manager to do a variety of redirects – 410 content deleted, 301 permanent move, 302 temporary move, and 307 temporary redirects – without putting in extra time and effort.

10. Leverage Social Media Integration

You can complement the SEO strategy with a social media promotional strategy to increase website traffic and drive lead generation. Rank Math SEO makes it easier for you to optimize the content for popular social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter. You can use the plugin’s Meta Box feature to optimize content by adding an image, title, and description. You can further preview the social media content to make the posts more compelling and captivating.

11. Access Integrated Google Analytics

The premium editions of Rank Math SEO features advanced Google Analytics integration. You can leverage this feature to analyze your website traffic without leaving your WordPress dashboard. The analytics make it easier to compare and measure the performance of posts based on good, fair, or poor scores. You can boost the search visibility of posts with poor scores by optimizing their titles, schemas, and links.

While considering Rank Math SEO, you must remember that the plugin has its pros and cons. Also, you must not forget to compare Rank Math with other widely-used SEO plugins, including Yoast SEO. It is always advisable to refer to our blog – How to Choose the Best WordPress SEO Plugin? – while evaluating important aspects of Rank Math SEO.   

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that is user-friendly, mobile-friendly, and SEO-friendly. It comes with features to make it easier for beginners and new bloggers to create, modify, schedule, publish and manage digital content. New bloggers can leverage a WYSIWYG editor to create and edit both textual and multimedia content without writing longer lines of code.

Also, they can add functionality to the blogging site simply by integrating the right plugins. Some of these plugins make it easier for bloggers to create engaging and error-free content, while others help them diver traffic to the blog from search engines and social networks. We are making it easier for beginners to download the right plugins by recommending some of the top WordPress plugins for new bloggers.

Shortlisting 10 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for New Bloggers and Beginners

1. WProofreader

This grammar and spell check plugin helps new bloggers to create engaging and error-free content. WProofreader improves content quality by evaluating spelling, grammar, style, and punctuation. While creating or modifying content in the edit mode, WProofreader detects spelling and grammatical mistakes using AI algorithms. It further provides suggestions through hovers as the blogger writes content. The new bloggers can install the pro version of the plugin to avail of useful features like multi-language support and a custom dictionary.

2. Simple Content Templates

Writers often use content templates to create content in a structured and organized way. Many writers create content templates using a text editor. But Simple Content Templates enable bloggers to create content structures for both blog posts and web pages while working with WordPress. New bloggers can use this WordPress plugin to provide a structure to the content by defining the title, post body, and excerpts. The pro version of the plugin allows content writers to add custom fields, tags, categories, and featured images to new posts and pages using content templates.

3. Blog Designer

Often free themes make multiple blog sites look identical. Innovative bloggers always make their sites stand out from the crowd by experimenting with different blog templates. Blog Designer makes it easier for new bloggers to change and customize the blog layout by providing 15 templates. Each of these templates enables users to customize and modify blog layouts without changing the code. In addition to being fully responsive, these templates allow users to change the background color and content style as well as hide tags, comments count, and author info.

4. Yoast SEO

53% of trackable website traffic comes from organic search. That is why; new bloggers must diver more organic traffic to their sites by implementing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. As the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress, Yoast SEO helps bloggers to create readable content, find the most profitable keywords, and create search snippets. Also, bloggers use Yoast SEO to boost the search visibility of their sites by conducting elaborate SEO audits. However, the new bloggers should focus on choosing the best WordPress SEO plugin.

5. Internal Link Juicer

While writing content, new bloggers must boost on-page SEO by creating a variety of internal links – content links, navigational links, and recently-added links. Also, they need to boost the post or page’s internal link structure by adopting a slew of best practices. This WordPress plugin enables new bloggers to build internal links with the desired keywords automatically. In addition to building internal links automatically, Internal Link Juicer allows users to control linking pages, customize link output, and build link silos.

6. Smush

Bloggers these days include multiple images in their blog posts to boost search visibility and reader engagement. But the images often impact the blog post’s user experience and search visibility by increasing its loading time. Smush makes it easier for new bloggers to speed up blog posts by optimizing, compressing, and lazy loading images. Bloggers can use this plugin to compress and resize images without affecting their quality. They also have the option to install Smush with many popular themes and media library plugins.

7. Simple Author Box

In addition to reading blogs, many readers these days want to know the blogger. Some readers even subscribe to blogs after knowing the blogger’s knowledge, skill, and expertise. This WordPress plugin makes it easier for new bloggers to add a responsive author box at the end of every blog post. Simple Author Box allows bloggers to create an author bio that highlights the author name, author gravatar, author description, and author social profiles. The plugin inserts the author bio automatically into every blog post.

8. Revive Old Posts

Like search engines, social networking platforms divert visitors to the blog site regularly. New bloggers have to put in extra time and effort to share posts and content on multiple social networks manually. They can automate the scheduling and posting of content from the WordPress blog on social networking platforms using Revive Old Posts. The plugin allows them to promote existing and new blog posts on popular social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google My Business simultaneously.

9. Akismet Spam Protection

Many marketers these days publish low-quality content and malicious content in the form of blog comments. The spam comments impact the blog site’s reputation and search visibility negatively. Bloggers have to put in extra time and effort to prevent the publication of spam content. This WordPress plugin helps bloggers prevent spam by checking both comments and form submissions automatically. Akismet Spam Protection prevents spam content posting and allows new bloggers to review the comments approved and discarded.

10. Jetpack

There are many instances when cybercriminals took over websites and blogs by exploiting WordPress security issues and vulnerabilities. Every new blogger must monitor and boost her site’s security to keep its user experience and search visibility intact. Jetpack is a widely-used WordPress plugin that protects blog sites by providing important features like automated site backup, malware scanning, site changes monitoring, site uptime/downtime monitoring, and spam comment blocking. It further makes it easier for beginners to duplicate websites and migrate themes and plugins.

The new bloggers can boost the blogging site’s functionality, user experience, and search visibility using multiple WordPress plugins. But they must focus on keeping the blogging site’s performance and speed intact by prioritizing blogging plugins for WordPress. They must compare these top WordPress plugins for new bloggers based on information gathered from diverse and neutral sources.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is often described as the process of improving the visibility of a web page or website on search engine results pages (SERPs). Digital marketers boost a website’s search performance by implementing a slew of on-page and off-page SEO strategies. But you must remember that the SEO Starter Guide published by Google links SEO exclusively with content.

According to Google Search Central,

You should build a website to benefit your users, and gear any optimization toward making the user experience better. One of those users is a search engine, which helps other users discover your content. SEO is about helping search engines understand and present content.

Major search engines like Google and Bing change and update their search algorithms frequently to boost the searcher experience and deliver better search results. Some of these major search engine algorithms often make many SEO techniques and best practices obsolete. But you can minimize the impact of search algorithm updates on your SEO strategy by focusing extensively on content planning, creation, and optimizations.

There are many SEO writing tools that make it easier for you to create and optimize content for search engines. You can leverage these widely used SEO content writing tools to optimize content for both search engines and searchers simultaneously. You can leverage these online content writing tools and solutions to produce content that increases organic search traffic to your website and keep the website visitors engaged.

19 SEO Writing Tools to Create High-Quality Content for Search Engines and Searchers

1) Grammarly

The search engines emphasize delivering error-free content to searchers. That is why; major search engines penalize content with spelling and grammatical errors. Grammarly helps you to create SEO-friendly content by identifying and fixing a variety of errors – spelling, grammar, clarity, punctuation, and engagement. In addition to highlighting various errors, the online content writing assistant helps writers fix these errors by suggesting replacements. The premium edition of Grammarly comes with a slew of additional features, including plagiarism detection.

2) Copyscape

Search engines do not penalize duplicate or copied content explicitly. But search engine algorithm updates always aim to deliver fresh and original content to searchers. That is why; you can boost the search visibility of an article or blog only by ensuring that the content is 100% original. Copyscape makes it easier for you to detect duplicate and plagiarized content before publishing an article or blog. Millions of content writers and digital marketers use this online plagiarism detection service to publish only original text content.

3) Ginger

You can use this widely used writing assistant tool in multiple formats – desktop application, mobile apps, and browser add-on. But each edition version of Ginger helps you to optimize content for both search engines and searchers in a number of ways – fixing grammatical errors, improving sentence structures, using appropriate wording and ensuring subject-verb agreement. You can use Ginger regularly based on multiple pricing plans. Some of these pricing plans allow you to avail of premium features like translation. Many content writers these days prefer Ginger to Grammarly as it supports over 40 languages.

4) Copywriterly

Based on your content writing needs, you have the option to choose from four distinct editions of Copywriterly – personal, startup, company, and enterprise. Each edition of Copywriterly enables you to optimize content for both search engines and searchers by leveraging a slew of online tools – grammar checker, duplicate content checker, keyword density checker, and word counters. At the same time, you can access an online SEO Content Guide to understand the key stages in SEO content writing and optimize content for search engines based on a variety of factors.

5) Surfer SEO

As its name suggests, this online writing assistant comes with features to speed up SEO-optimized content writing. You can create and optimize content for search engines using a slew of features provided by SEO Surfer – content editor, content planner, keyword research, SEO audit, and SERP analyzer. You can use the content editor provided by SEO Surfer to assess the search performance of the content written by you using over 500 on-page signals. Also, SEO Surfer helps you to boost the content’s search performance by improving the content score and improving individual ranking signals. You can use this popular SEO content writing solution by choosing from three different pricing options – basic, pro, and business.

6) MarketMuse

Market Muse is developed as an enterprise content planning solution. Many enterprises these days leverage this cloud-based writing solution to speed up and automate content creation using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. While using Surfer SEO, you can produce editor-ready drafts of content using a tool called First Draft. Likewise, you can use an online text editor to make the content readable and SEO-friendly based on real-time feedback and recommendation. Enterprise users can automate content creation and optimization activities using one of the three editions of Surfer SEO – trial, plus, and premium.

7) Topic

This popular online SEO writing tool helps content creators and digital marketers to create content that is optimized for search engines before publication. You can use Topic to curtain the time and effort required to create SEO-friendly content in several ways – finding appropriate keywords and headings; creating a comprehensive content outline, and optimizing the content for search engines based on real-time feedback. You have the option to choose from three distinct editions of Topic – starter, plus, and premium. Each edition currently supports five languages.

8) SEOtagg

SEOtagg is one of the SEO writing tools that modernize content research, creation, and management using AI algorithms. You can use this new-age content marketing and SEO writing solution to find content opportunities, create the first draft, and optimize the content for search engines by leveraging AI. At the same time, the robust text editor provided by SEOtagg helps you to evaluate the content according to the targeted search terms and your SEO strategy. You can use SEOtagg by choosing from four pricing plans – free, starter, pro, and guru.

9) Textmetrics

Unlike other widely used SEO writing tools, Textmetrics is not developed with features to optimize blogs and articles for search engines. Instead, this SEO tool focuses extensively on helping businesses and recruiters find potential candidates by optimizing job descriptions for search engines. You can leverage this online tool to write SEO job descriptions using AI algorithms. In addition to providing ready-to-use templates, Textmetrics helps you to find the most relevant keywords.  You can analyze and optimize your existing content by using Textmetrics for seven days on a trial basis.

10) Semrush Tools

This widely used SEO and digital marketing solution helps you to write and optimize content for search engines by providing two useful tools – SEO Content Template and SEO Writing Assistant. You can use SEO Content Template to create SEO-friendly content based on recommendations. The online tool will give recommendations by analyzing content on Google’s top 10-ranking pages based on your target keywords. At the same time, you can use SEO Writing Assistant to check and measure the SEO-friendliness of your content based on the targeted keywords.

11) Yoast

Yoast is currently the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress. You have the option to several editions to Yoast plugins according to your precise needs. Each of these Yoast plugins comes with built-in tools to optimize content for search engines. You can leverage these tools provided by Yoast to perform real-time content analysis. After writing the content, you can measure and improve its SEO-friendliness based on the overall SEO score displayed on the screen. Also, it helps you to boost the content’s search visibility by making simple but relevant changes. Here is a quick guide to using Yoast SEO.

12) AnswerThePublic

Before writing and optimizing content, content writers and search engine optimizers spend time gathering and evaluating content ideas. AnswerThePublic makes it easier for SEO writers to get relevant content ideas based on autocomplete data collected from leading search engines like Google. You can leverage the online tool to know the phrases searchers use and questions searchers ask according to your targeted keywords. You can use AnswerThePublic Pro to get content ideas based on any number of keywords and track search behavior changes.

13) On-Page Optimization Tools

The SEO writing assistant developed by Internet Marketing Ninjas helps you to create and optimize content by providing a slew of useful tools – keyword optimization tool, keyword density tool, header check tool, and link accounting tool. You can use these On-Page Optimization Tools to review the content similar to the way search engine spiders see the data. You can further leverage these tools to boost content’s search visibility using a variety of on-page SEO techniques without incurring extra expenses.

14) IsItWP Headline Analyzer

Major search engines consider headlines while analyzing and ranking content. Similarly, authentic and relevant headlines make your content more effective in keeping searchers and website visitors. While writing and optimizing content, you must focus extensively on creating and optimizing headlines. You can leverage IsItWP Headline Analyzer to analyze and evaluate headlines based on a slew of parameters – word count, word balance, headline length, common words, uncommon words, power words, and emotional words. The online tool helps you to optimize headlines for both search engines and searchers by improving the overall score to 70.

15) Google Trends

Often content writers find it challenging to pick a topic that is frequently searched by people. You can use Google Trends to compare and evaluate multiple search terms across regions, categories, and languages by launching Google Trends. The popular online service helps you to check what people are searching for simply by entering a topic or search term. Also, you can use Google Trends to compare multiple search terms while performing content research. The tool makes it easier for you to differentiate between the rising and declining search trends using both data and graphs.

16) Text Tools

This online SEO tool optimizes content for search engines scientifically using a formular called TF-IDF and WDF-IDF. The formular used by Text Tools analyzes the quality of web content semantically. You can use this tool while writing content to choose and include the right key phrases in the right places by getting suggestions and recommendations. Also, Text Tools helps you to assess the relevance of the content written by you for the selected and targeted keywords using algorithms. You can use Text Tools by choosing from three pricing options – free trial, professional, and premium.

17) Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor is developed as a simple word processor. But it comes with features and tools to help you write content that is simple, clear, and powerful. You have the option to use Hemingway Editor either as a desktop application or an online tool. But none of these editions come with features to optimize content for search engines. Many content writers still leverage Hemingway Editor to produce readable and error-free content by getting on-time assistance and tips. While writing content for SEO campaigns, you can leverage this tool to boost content quality in a number of ways – simplifying complex sentences, using shorter words, replacing weaker phrases, and changing passive voice.

18) Clearscope

This premium online tool helps you to drive organic traffic to your website for search engines by optimizing content using AI. Clearscope uses AI algorithms to create content that is relevant for searchers, along with being readable, searchable, clickable, and sharable. At the same time, the guides and tutorials provided by Clearscope help writers bridge the gap between content writing and SEO. You can use Clearscope by choosing from three pricing plans – essential, professional, and enterprise.

19) Content Writing Outsourcing

Many enterprises these days prefer human content writers to SEO writing tools while producing SEO-friendly content. Instead of investing in premium SEO content writing tools, they prefer outsourcing content writing projects to competent and expert content writers. While comparing some of the widely used SEO writing tools, you must not forget to outsource content writing activities. You can easily find and shortlist competent writers using both search engines and social media. In addition to using their skill and expertise, these writers produce SEO-friendly content using some of these widely used SEO writing tools.

In addition to reducing the time and effort required to create high-quality content, these SEO writing tools help you to optimize the content for both search engines and searchers. But you cannot use a single SEO writing tool to automate multiple and different content writing activities. Your SEO strategy must focus on boosting the content creation and optimization process by combining the right SEO content writing tools.

In addition to being a user-friendly blogging platform, WordPress is often regarded as the most search engine optimization (SEO) friendly content management system. WordPress website owners can accelerate custom website development by availing of a wide range of themes and plugins. Likewise, they can get regular website traffic from popular search engines using a slew of WordPress SEO plugins. In one of my previous posts, I covered how to choose the best WordPress SEO Plugins, in which I have also covered some of the most important SEO plugins. Yoast SEO has been a personal favorite, I have used Yoast plugin on 10+ websites that I have handled. The latest usage statistics also depict that the Yoast SEO plugin is much more popular than other WordPress SEO plugins.


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