Creating Evergreen Content: A Quick Guide

Evergreen Content Definition | Evergreen Content Strategy Creating Evergreen Content: A Quick Guide

The SEO content created and published by digital marketers can be broadly divided into two categories – time-sensitive and evergreen. Time-sensitive or seasonal content has a short lifespan and diverts traffic to a website for a short period. On the other hand, evergreen content remains fresh and relevant over a longer time.

Evergreen Content Definition

According to, “Evergreen content is content that remains relevant over time – for months, perhaps years. Much like an evergreen tree never loses its leaves; evergreen content never loses its significance and never goes out-of-date.

While creating evergreen content, the content creators do not focus on a current trend or hot topic. Instead, they remove the expiry date by creating content that readers will be interested in for many years. While planning SEO campaigns, copywriters these days create a variety of evergreen content. Also, they look for ideas to increase website traffic in the long run by creating evergreen content.

Evergreen Content Examples

Now that we have understood the evergreen content definition, let us look at some of the evergreen content examples.

  • How-To Tutorials
  • Step-by-Step Guides
  • Top Tips
  • List of Useful Tools
  • Encyclopedia-esque Entries
  • Cornerstone Content
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Product Reviews
  • Case Studies
  • Videos
  • Infographics

Why Create Evergreen Content for SEO Campaigns?

Increase Website’s EAT Score

Google uses Expertise, Authority, and Trust (E-A-T) as key ranking factors for ranking websites. E-A-T guidelines emphasize on publication of high-quality content. Evergreen content creates opportunities for entrepreneurs to showcase their expertise in the industry.

For instance, an entrepreneur can showcase her expertise by writing insightful articles and blogs on topics related to her business.  The industry experts will make the evergreen content appear on the first page by increasing the E-A-T score.

Generate and Convert More Leads

No business can generate and convert more leads without increasing its website traffic regularly. The evergreen content focuses on questions frequently asked by the target audience. Hence, more readers will read the content to get their questions answered. Hence, it becomes easier for businesses to drive lead generation and conversion by increasing organic website traffic.

Keep Brand Relevant

The open and competitive nature of digital space makes it challenging for digital marketers to keep a brand popular and relevant in the longer rum. They need to implement SEO strategies that increase website traffic and decrease bounce rates consistently. Evergreen content helps them reduce bounce rates by keeping visitors engaged and making them spend more time on the website.

Control Digital Marketing Costs

A business cannot increase organic website traffic without posting time-sensitive content frequently. It needs to deploy additional copywriters to increase the number and frequency of trending and newsworthy content posted on its website. Evergreen content helps businesses to save time and resources.

Evergreen Content Strategy: How to Create Evergreen Content that Increases Website Traffic for Years?

Evaluate the Long-Term Relevance of Topics

Selection of the right topic is the most important prerequisite for evergreen content creation. No copywriter or digital marketer can extend the content’s lifespan without choosing a topic that stays relevant and useful for the target audience in the long run. A copywriter can choose the right topic in several ways.

  • Assessing the performance of articles or blogs posted on their own website
  • Checking articles/blogs posted on competitor websites that get long-term traffic
  • Considering keywords with high and consistent search volume
  • Focusing on questions frequently asked or problems regularly faced by the target audience

Don’t Refer to Current Dates or Events

A piece of content becomes time-sensitive when copywriters mention specific events or include specific dates. They often reduce the content’s lifespan by referring to current events or dates. For instance, no copywriter can increase the lifespan of an article or blog by including the term COVID-19 in the topics. Likewise, they cannot create evergreen content by choosing titles like Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2022 that searchers will find outdated in 2023.

Write for Beginners

Many copywriters target experts while creating evergreen content. They should remember that experts do not need assistance or solutions like beginners. Hence, they can keep the content relevant for years only by writing for beginners. Also, they should not use any complicated or technical language that makes beginners abandon the website and look for simpler alternatives. 

Embed Relevant Keywords

While writing evergreen content, copywriters must focus on improving their search performance. They must optimize the content for websites by choosing and embedding the right keywords. However, they should focus on identifying both primary and related keywords. Also, they should include related keywords in the first paragraph and subheadings.

Link the Content to Existing Posts

Digital marketers can optimize the content for search engines by creating internal links. The internal links will make it easier for readers to access relevant and additional information by clicking on the internal links.

Digital marketers can easily create internal links by connecting the new article/blog to specific posts. Here are some good internal linking best practices for you. For instance, they can link an article on white hat SEO techniques to posts on widely used on-page SEO techniques.

Keep the Content Up-to-Date

In addition to publishing evergreen content, digital marketers must focus on keeping the content relevant in the long run. They can keep the article/blog fresh and increase its search visibility by updating the content in a variety of ways – adding more information, removing obsolete information, adding the latest statistics, and changing images. The update will refresh the content as well as change its publication date.

Consider Repurposing the Content

Digital marketers should make the evergreen content reach out to a larger audience by repurposing the article or blog in a variety of ways. For instance, they can share the content by creating an infographic or a video on the same topic. Similarly, they can make people read the content by reposting it on multiple social networking platforms.


Unlike time-sensitive or seasonal content, evergreen content increases organic traffic to a website in the long run. However, digital marketers must make the evergreen content more effective by applying on-page SEO techniques. In addition to picking the right topic, they should focus on embedding the right keywords, facilitating social media sharing, and creating internal links. 

This blog was republished in March 2024.

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