15 Hot Programming Languages Trends That You Cannot Miss

Programming Languages Trends 15 Hot Programming Languages Trends That You Cannot Miss

While building a software application, the programmers have the option to choose from a number of programming languages.  They have to focus on choosing the right programming language to the software application’s code base clean, organized and maintainable. They cannot pick the right programming language without monitoring the current and emerging trends in programming languages. The developers also need to keep a tab on the top programming languages to learn for keeping themselves updated. The programmers must adopt these hot programming languages trends in 2020 to write custom software applications quickly and efficiently.

15 Hot Programming Languages Trends Programmers Must Adopt in 2020 and Beyond

Scripting Languages will replace Programming Languages

In a short span of time, JavaScript has emerged as a popular server-side technology. Many programmers these days use MEAN stack to write both client-side and server-side code in JavaScript. More and more programmers are expected to replace conventional server-side programming languages with JavaScript to write and maintain code effortlessly. However, many web programmers with replace conventional programming languages with super sets of JavaScript like TypeScript and CoffeeScript.

WebAssembly will Challenge JavaScript

At present, JavaScript is the most popular client-side programming language. But JavaScript often slow down websites and web application as the code is parsed and compiled at runtime. Many programmers prefer WebAssembly to JavaScript to speed up web applications by leveraging ahead-of-time compilation. The code written in WebAssembly currently runs of four major web browsers – Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari. However, the future versions of WebAssembly will support multithreading and come with improved compilation.

Object-Functional Programming Languages will become Popular

The programmers often find it challenging to bridge the gap between object-oriented programming and functional programming. Many programmers opt for object-functional programming languages to overcome the shortcomings of object-oriented and functional programming languages. That is why; the popularity of object-functional programming languages like Scala and Clojure has been increasing consistently. Also, popular programming languages like Java and C# come with new features to support object-functional programming.

Prolog will Gain Momentum

The disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) make programmers write code in logical programming language like Prolog. In addition to being a declarative programming language, Prolog enables programmers to express logic as facts, rules and similar relationships. Also, it helps programmers to write procedures as logical specifications. These features help programmers to write AI applications without writing additional code. The growing popularity of Prolog will make other programming languages to support logical programming.

Big Data Adoption will boost the Popularity of R

The big data adoption process contributes hugely towards growing the popularity of R. In addition to being a platform-independent programming language, R is designed with features to simplify statistical analysis. It further accelerates data wrangling procedure by transforming messy information into structured data efficiently. Also, R is compatible with widely used programming languages for big data including Python and Java. The programmers also have the option to simplify big data application development using robust integrated development environments (IDEs) like R Commander and R Studio.

Massive Popularity of Java will Remain Intact

According to the TIOBE Programming Community Index, Java is one of the most popular languages of 2020. In addition to being one of the official programming languages for Android platform, Java is one of the most preferred languages for data science and AI projects. Hence, a Java programmer can build software applications by targeting many devices and platforms. Java is one of the mature programming languages which have been evolving continuously to meet the emerging software development trends. Hence, the massive popularity of Java will remain intact over a longer period of time.

Rust Has Become a Most Loved Programming Language

According to TIOBE.com, ‘Rust has been awarded “the most loved programming language” by Stackoverflow users for the last 5 years. In a row!

Most programmers love Rust due to its robust features like dynamic type system support, emphasis on type safety, and optimal performance. Rust is also gaining popularity as a new age alternative to conventional systems programming languages like C and C++. The programmers can use Rust toolchains to reduce the time and efforts required for building and maintaining production quality.  Hence, Rust has the potential to become one of the top 10 programming languages in 2021.

Implementation of GraphQL will extend

In a short span of time, GraphQL has emerged as a popular alternative to REST API. Many programmers replace REST APIs with GraphQL to speed up data collection. REST APIs impact the performance of web applications and mobile apps adversely by loading up multiple URLs while collecting data. But GraphQL collects data at once without loading multiple websites. The programmers can further use GraphQL to fetch only necessary and relevant data from various APIs. At the same time, they have the option to use robust tools like GraphiQL.

Object-Oriented Languages will Support Functional Programming

The functional programming languages allow programmers to write code by emulating mathematical functions. Also, they reduce chances of error by allowing programmers to writing code without following any present procedure. Many programmers these days prefer functional programming languages to object-oriented programming to write code using a more efficient pattern. The growing popularity of functional programming languages will make many object-oriented programming languages support functional programming paradigms. Java 8 already supports functional programming patterns and concepts. Likewise, C# 7.0 comes with features like pattern matching which offered by popular functional programming languages.

PWA will emerge as an Efficient Alternative to CPMA

Many programmers these days write cross-platform mobile apps in different languages using specific tools and frameworks. But they still find it challenging to make the cross-platform mobile apps (CPMA) deliver native app-like user experience. The progressive web apps (PWA) are all set to transform cross-platform mobile app development by leveraging emerging web browser APIs. Despite delivering native app-like use experience, PWAs are designed as websites. Hence, they are discoverable, linkable, installable, and safe.

React will remain more popular than Other JavaScript Libraries

Some frameworks enable programmers to write server-side code in JavaScript. At the same time, the programmers use a variety of JavaScript libraries to simplify frontend web development. But the latest statistics indicate that React is more popular than other JavaScript libraries. Many programmers use the JavaScript framework, which is maintained by Facebook, while writing single-page web applications and mobile apps. They further use ReactJS as the V in model-view-framework (MVC) to create interactive use interfaces. React further helps the developers to increase the website’s search engine ranking and user experiences by boosting its loading speed.

NoSQL will not replace SQL

While writing big data applications and solutions many programmers prefer NoSQL databases to SQL databases. Unlike SQL databases, NoSQL databases simplify bog data application development by offering simplicity and scalability. At present, high-traffic websites like Facebook and Amazon use NoSQL databases. But the latest usage statistics indicate SQL databases are still more popular than NoSQL databases. Many enterprises have no plan to switch from popular SQL databases to NoSQL databases in near future. Hence, the programmers will use SQL databases regularly in near future.

Blockchain-based Databases will Challenge SQL and NoSQL Databases

 According to MarketsandMarkets.com, “Blockchain market is expected to grow from USD 3.0 billion in 2020 to USD 39.7 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 67.3% during 2020–2025.” With more and more enterprises adopting Blockchain, the programmers have to use blockchain-based databases in near future. Unlike SQL, blockchain is a distributed database technology. Despite improving data security, Blockchain databases will require programmers to focus on maintaining privacy and confidentiality of data. Hence, the programmers have to adopt a completely different approach while building blockchain applications and working with blockchain databases.

Languages for Writing Cloud First Applications

The programmers will not be required to update the existing source code of software applications for cloud platforms. The enterprises these days require programmers to write cloud first applications and services. The programmers have to adopt a different approach to write cloud first solutions from the scratch. Also, they will use the most relevant programming language to boost the stability and performance of these cloud-first applications. That is why; the programmers have to write code in some of the most preferred programming languages in cloud enterprise development – Java, C#, Python, Golang and JavaScript.

Emphasis on Using the Most Secure Programming Language

There was a time when programmers have to explore ways to secure the code written in various programming languages. But the enterprises these days require programmers to write software applications in secure programming language. While writing new generation software, programmers have to compare programming languages using security as the primary parameter. However, the programmers will find it challenging to choose the most secure programming language as there are security vulnerabilities in each popular programming language. They need to opt for programming languages like Ruby which has the least number of security vulnerabilities.

The popularity of programming languages and the trends in programming keep changing from time to time. The programmers cannot write next generation software applications without learning new programming languages and adopting emerging trends in programming. The programmers must adopt these hot programming trends early to boost their skills and enhance their career prospects.

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